1 00:00:13,600 --> 00:00:16,200 THE MARQUISE DE SADE 《萨德侯爵夫人》 翻译:Kkso_ 校对:Kkso_ 2 00:00:21,300 --> 00:00:23,300 AUTUMN 1772 1772年的秋天 3 00:01:17,400 --> 00:01:21,200 What a strange way of receiving one's guests! 这叫什么待客之道! 4 00:01:21,500 --> 00:01:25,500 She sent for me and then keeps me waiting like this! 她邀请我来拜访,却让我就这么等着! 5 00:01:25,700 --> 00:01:31,700 No doubt Mme de Montreuil is beside herself with worry for her son-in-law. 难怪孟特勒伊夫人被她女婿(的事)搞得晕头转向。 6 00:01:32,000 --> 00:01:36,500 I can't imagine that time has healed her wounds. 时间丝毫不能减轻她心中的痛苦。 7 00:01:36,700 --> 00:01:40,800 But I haven't seen her since... what happened. 自打那件事情以来,我还没能见到过她。 8 00:01:41,000 --> 00:01:47,200 Always, everywhere, we gloss over the matter saying ''what happened''-- 我们不管在哪里,一提起“那件事”, 我们总是在掩饰-- 9 00:01:47,500 --> 00:01:53,600 --exchanging looks and knowing smiles. Surely you are well informed? --并挤眉弄眼,意味深长地笑。 但你真的了解此事吗? 10 00:01:53,800 --> 00:01:57,600 No. Alphonse and I are childhood friends. 不,虽说阿方斯和我从小就是朋友。 11 00:01:57,800 --> 00:02:01,800 I'm content to remember him as a child, with his lovely fair hair. 我清楚地记得,他小时候长着一头可爱的金发。 12 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:05,000 As you wish, Madame. 随您的便,夫人。 13 00:02:05,300 --> 00:02:10,600 For my part, I shall disclose the precise and detailed information-- 至于我,我搜集了宝贵而详细的消息—— 14 00:02:10,800 --> 00:02:15,700 --which I have collected with every means at my disposal. ——千方百计地搜集。 15 00:02:16,900 --> 00:02:20,700 Three months ago, on the 27th of June-- 三个月前的六月二十七日—— 16 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:25,500 --Donatien-Alphonse-Fran鏾is, Marquis de Sade, journeyed to Marseilles-- ——多纳西安·阿方斯·弗朗索瓦·德·萨德侯爵, 前往马赛旅游—— 17 00:02:25,700 --> 00:02:29,800 --with Latour, his servant. There, one morning, he assembled-- ——带着他的男仆拉图尔。 在那儿,一天清晨,他集中了—— 18 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:35,400 --four young women in a house belonging to a certain Mariette Borelly. ——四个年轻的姑娘到名为玛丽耶特·博雷利的女人家中。 19 00:02:35,600 --> 00:02:39,800 All four were of course whores. 不消说,四个人都是妓女。 20 00:02:40,100 --> 00:02:46,600 He took a handful of gold coins out of his pocket and said-- 他从口袋里掏出一把金币,说道—— 21 00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:53,400 --that he would favour the girl who could guess how many coins he had. ——哪个姑娘能够猜出他有多少金币, 他便会临幸于她。 22 00:02:53,900 --> 00:03:00,000 Marianne won. He sent the other women out, but the servant stayed. 玛丽安娜猜中了。侯爵把其余女子都赶出去, 但男仆留了下来。 23 00:03:00,800 --> 00:03:05,700 Then he ordered the two of them to lie on the bed-- 他叫他们俩躺在床上—— 24 00:03:06,200 --> 00:03:11,400 --whipped the girl with one hand and aroused the servant with the other. ——一手用鞭子抽打那个姑娘, 用另一手唤起男仆的性欲。 25 00:03:13,500 --> 00:03:19,500 All the while Alphonse addressed his servant as ''Monsieur le Marquis''-- 同时,阿方斯将男仆打扮成“侯爵大人”—— 26 00:03:19,700 --> 00:03:23,900 --and made the man call his master Latour. ——而让仆人称呼他为拉图尔。 27 00:03:25,600 --> 00:03:32,200 After that he dismissed the servant, took out a crystal box set in gold-- 然后,阿方斯打发走男仆, 拿出一只镶着金边的水晶盒子—— 28 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:38,300 --that contained aniseed pastilles and told the girl to help herself. ——将散发着茴香味儿的糖果给那个姑娘, 叫她吃下去。 29 00:03:38,500 --> 00:03:44,000 A remedy for flatulence, he said. In fact they were an aphrodisiac-- 他说,那是一种通气的药丸。 实际上,这是一种媚药—— 30 00:03:44,200 --> 00:03:48,800 --made of dried tiger beetle and Spanish fly. ——由干虎甲虫和西班牙芫菁混合制成。 31 00:03:49,100 --> 00:03:54,800 You know about that, don't you? You should try it some time. 您知道那东西对吧? 您还是经常吃一吃的好。 32 00:03:55,000 --> 00:04:00,900 Marianne ate seven or eight of the pastilles. 玛丽安娜连吃了七八粒。 33 00:04:01,100 --> 00:04:05,000 When she finished, the Marquis... 吃完之后,这回侯爵… 34 00:04:05,300 --> 00:04:10,800 ...promised her a louis d'or if she let him do a certain thing. …给了她一个金路易,要求她做一件事情。 35 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:16,200 The thing you're said to be so fond of. When the morning sun... 就是您所喜爱的“那种事儿”。 当朝阳… 36 00:04:16,400 --> 00:04:21,400 ...lights the front of a statue of Venus that stands in a park-- …照在花园里伫立着的维纳斯雕像上时—— 37 00:04:21,600 --> 00:04:28,400 --the dazzling light penetrates right inside a vulva of snow-white marble. ——灿烂的阳光渗进洁白的大理石像的两股之间。 38 00:04:28,700 --> 00:04:35,200 But when the sun, having circled the garden for half a day-- 但是当太阳绕着天空,照耀了花园半天—— 39 00:04:35,500 --> 00:04:41,800 --sinks beneath the trees, which part of Venus do the sun's rays penetrate? ——渐渐沉入森林中, 这时阳光贯穿了维纳斯身上的什么地方呢? 40 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:46,400 Only a devil would do something like that! 只有恶魔才能做出这事来! 41 00:04:47,800 --> 00:04:52,000 Then Alphonse took out a bloodstained, barbed whip-- 接着,阿方斯取出沾满血迹的钢鞭—— 42 00:04:52,200 --> 00:04:55,000 --apparently often used. ——那鞭子显然是他经常使用的。 43 00:04:55,300 --> 00:04:59,500 He made her undress and kneel at the foot of the bed. 他让女子脱光衣服,跪在床边。 44 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:04,000 When he had castigated her, he ordered her to do the same to him. 他拼命地抽打她,然后再命令女子对他做同样的事。 45 00:05:04,200 --> 00:05:09,400 Alphonse carved the number of blows on the chimney-piece with a knife... 阿方斯用小刀将打他的次数刻在暖炉上… 46 00:05:09,600 --> 00:05:15,100 The figures were 215, 179-- 二百一十五下,一百七十九下—— 47 00:05:16,400 --> 00:05:21,000 --225 and 240... ——两百二十五下,二百四十下… 48 00:05:22,100 --> 00:05:26,200 - ...or a total of... - 859 lashes! - …总共是… - 八百五十九下! 49 00:05:26,400 --> 00:05:30,200 He has always been fascinated by figures-- 他总是痴迷于数字—— 50 00:05:30,500 --> 00:05:34,600 --since only figures are truly irrefutable. ——唯有数字最可靠。 51 00:05:34,900 --> 00:05:38,800 If numbers are at an inconceivable level, vice itself becomes a miracle. 只要数字不断增大,罪恶就会变成奇迹。 52 00:05:39,100 --> 00:05:44,400 - Watch out, you too may go to hell! - Thank you for the warning. - 当心点说话,你也要下地狱了! - 谢谢你的提醒。 53 00:05:44,600 --> 00:05:49,400 Then it was Rose's turn. The whip, the servant, a new combination-- 下面该轮到罗丝了。又是鞭打, 又叫上男仆,一种新的组合—— 54 00:05:49,600 --> 00:05:55,000 --as in a game of cards. Then came Marianette, the whip, the servant... ——如同扑克游戏一般。 接着是玛利亚奈特,又是鞭打和男仆… 55 00:05:55,400 --> 00:06:00,200 So the morning's performance ended with wailing and screaming. 早晨的表演在哭声和尖叫声中结束了。 56 00:06:00,400 --> 00:06:04,800 The Marquis gave the girls six gold coins each and sent them packing. 侯爵给四个姑娘每人六个金币, 将她们打发走了。 57 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:10,000 He lowered the Venetian blinds on the windows facing the sea-- 他将面朝大海的软百叶窗关上—— 58 00:06:10,300 --> 00:06:15,800 --and sank into a slumber, as deep and untroubled as a child's... ——像孩子一样沉沉入睡了… 59 00:06:16,100 --> 00:06:22,300 An innocent, dreamless sleep. It was as if he had been buried in the sand-- 无邪的,无梦的睡眠。 就像自己被埋在沙子中—— 60 00:06:23,000 --> 00:06:28,200 --of a beach where all the d閎ris had been washed away-- ——在沙滩上,一切都被冲刷得干净—— 61 00:06:28,500 --> 00:06:34,200 --where the shells had been ground to dust, the seaweed had dried-- ——贝壳碎成了齑粉,海藻干了—— 62 00:06:34,800 --> 00:06:40,700 --and the dead fish turned to reeds... ——死鱼变作了芦苇… 63 00:06:44,300 --> 00:06:49,700 Next morning at cockcrow he left Marseilles in a three-horse carriage-- 第二天一大早,他驾着三头马离开马赛—— 64 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:55,400 --and drove home to La Coste. Needless to say, he had no idea-- ——朝着拉斯科特驶去。 不用说,他做梦都没想到—— 65 00:06:55,600 --> 00:07:00,000 --that two days later the girls testified before the public prosecutor. ——过了两天,那些姑娘到法官面前告发了他。 66 00:07:00,200 --> 00:07:04,800 Madame de Montreuil will be with you shortly. 太太马上就来了。 67 00:07:10,200 --> 00:07:15,200 Charlotte! Don't run away! 夏洛特!不要逃避! 68 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:23,100 You worked for me, before you rushed off and became engaged in this house. 你本来为我工作,后来跑掉了,又到这儿来帮工。 69 00:07:23,300 --> 00:07:28,800 You know all about my private life. 你对我的私生活知道得一清二楚。 70 00:07:29,400 --> 00:07:36,200 You know people whisper behind my back that I am the Devil incarnate-- 你知道人们在我背后用鞭子抽我, 把我看做恶魔的化身—— 71 00:07:36,800 --> 00:07:42,000 --that I've harvested all the weeds that grow on the Isle of Love. ——因为我把爱之岛上的花花草草一棵不留地斩除了。 72 00:07:45,400 --> 00:07:49,500 It is unforgivable of me to keep you waiting so long. 让你们等这么长时间,真是太对不起了。 73 00:07:49,700 --> 00:07:53,200 Madame la Comtesse de Saint-Fond... 圣丰伯爵夫人… 74 00:07:53,600 --> 00:07:57,700 Madame la Baronne de Simiane... how kind of you to come! 西米阿纳男爵夫人… 二位夫人都这么赏脸! 75 00:07:58,000 --> 00:08:03,200 Tell us whatever you wish, without reticence. It may console you-- 您有什么话就全说出来吧。 这对您也是个安慰—— 76 00:08:03,500 --> 00:08:08,800 --to have someone to listen. We shall not repeat a word. ——如果有人愿意听您的倾诉。 我们绝不会泄露出去。 77 00:08:11,200 --> 00:08:16,000 Perhaps this is not the right occasion for revealing it-- 或许现在并不适合再谈论这些了—— 78 00:08:16,200 --> 00:08:21,300 --but when Ren閑 married Alphonse, I was impressed with his character. ——但当我女儿勒内嫁给阿方斯的时候, 我对这位女婿的人品是非常满意的。 79 00:08:21,500 --> 00:08:26,200 He had a slightly foolish air, but he was witty and charming-- 他虽说多少有些轻佻, 但人很机灵且富有情趣—— 80 00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:30,100 --and so obviously in love with my daughter. ——也很爱我女儿。 81 00:08:30,300 --> 00:08:35,400 And through their bond you became related to the house of Bourbon. 凭着这层关系, 你们这个家庭从此与波旁王朝结了亲。 82 00:08:35,700 --> 00:08:41,200 At first, my son-in-law showed his most lovable side. 刚开始,女婿把自己最好的一面展现了出来。 83 00:08:41,400 --> 00:08:45,600 While the newly-weds ere honey-- mooning at the Chateau Echauffour-- 在新婚蜜月期—— 在埃乔富尔城中—— 84 00:08:45,900 --> 00:08:50,600 --Alphonse wrote small plays with parts for both my daughter and me. ——阿方斯写了一出小小的戏剧, 女儿和我也分摊到了角色。 85 00:08:50,700 --> 00:08:56,400 Alphonse was an adorable child. We were playing in the rosegarden once-- 阿方斯是个可爱的孩子。 我们曾经在玫瑰园玩耍—— 86 00:08:56,700 --> 00:09:02,600 --when I pricked myself on a thorn. Alphonse not only pulled it out... ——我的手指被玫瑰刺扎破流血了。 阿方斯不但给我拔出花 87 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:08,600 - ...but sucked the wound clean. - Even then he had a taste for blood. - …还用嘴吮吸伤口。 - 打那时候起,他就喜欢吸血。 88 00:09:08,900 --> 00:09:15,600 - You talk as if he were a vampire! - No doubt vampires can be lovable. - 您说得他好像是吸血鬼! - 吸血鬼都很亲切可爱的。 89 00:09:15,900 --> 00:09:20,200 Ladies! Whatever is said about Alphonse today-- 夫人们!如今不论他受到什么样的评论—— 90 00:09:20,400 --> 00:09:24,800 --nothing can favourably influence my view of his character. ——都无法影响我对于他人品的看法了。 91 00:09:25,100 --> 00:09:28,800 As these agreeable theatrical performances were going on-- 随着那些欢乐的戏剧表演的进行—— 92 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:34,300 --Alphonse travelled frequently to Paris, claiming important business. ——阿方斯借口有重要的事儿, 而频繁地前往巴黎。 93 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:41,000 When, only five months after the wedding, he was thrown into prison-- 仅仅才结婚五个月, 他就被投到了监狱里—— 94 00:09:41,100 --> 00:09:45,100 --I learnt the truth. It was a dreadful shock. ——我才知道真相。 多么可怕。 95 00:09:45,300 --> 00:09:50,200 In the ensuing nine years, I have waged a hopeless battle-- 此后的九年间, 我坚持着毫无希望的斗争—— 96 00:09:50,400 --> 00:09:54,700 --to protect the family's good name and my daughter's honour. ——来维护家族名声和我女儿的荣誉。 97 00:09:55,000 --> 00:10:01,100 Ren閑 has refused to be crushed by what has happened. But this time... 勒内并没有因此而受挫。 但是这一回… 98 00:10:01,600 --> 00:10:06,300 Oh, I know it's hopeless. Still, for my daughter's sake... 啊,我明白事态已无可指望。 但为了女儿… 99 00:10:06,500 --> 00:10:13,700 I must do my best to save Alphonse. But today... Alphonse is ill! 还是要尽力搭救阿方斯。 但今天…阿方斯病了! 100 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:20,300 How can one convince a patient that he needs curing from an illness-- 要用什么办法才能说服病人去治疗疾病—— 101 00:10:20,600 --> 00:10:25,300 --which evidently gives him so much pleasure? ——而这个病的特点竟是让他快乐? 102 00:10:25,600 --> 00:10:31,200 However repulsive to outsiders, it is a sickness with a scent of roses. 无论别人如何厌恶, 他那病中藏着一朵玫瑰花呢。 103 00:10:37,200 --> 00:10:43,100 Since I'm considered an authority on immorality-- 关于罪恶和臭名远扬—— 104 00:10:43,300 --> 00:10:46,500 --I beg you to listen carefully. ——我希望夫人您认真听我说一段话。 105 00:10:46,600 --> 00:10:52,200 Depravity is a preserve unto itself, in which nothing is lacking. 罪恶这东西, 从一开始就有自己完整无缺的领地。 106 00:10:52,500 --> 00:10:58,300 It has its shepherds' huts and windmills, its streams and lakes. 它既有牧人的小屋,也有风车。 有小河,也有湖泊。 107 00:10:58,500 --> 00:11:03,600 But the whole landscape is not so tranquil: there are wastelands-- 然而整个景象却并不那么平静: 这儿还有荒地—— 108 00:11:03,900 --> 00:11:09,000 --valleys belching sulphorous fumes, predators, dried-up springs... ——有喷射硫磺的山谷,有野兽,有干枯的泉水… 109 00:11:12,700 --> 00:11:16,000 May I continue? 我可以继续吗? 110 00:11:16,200 --> 00:11:20,500 This ample domain was designed by God. 这块丰饶的地域是上天赐予的。 111 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:27,700 However strange the phenomena that occur there, they are intrinsic. 无论有什么奇怪的现象发生,它们都源于内在。 112 00:11:28,200 --> 00:11:33,400 The child, and I'm spealing from personal experience-- 孩提时代…我说的都是自己的经历—— 113 00:11:33,700 --> 00:11:41,100 --tales the telescope provided, and looks through it from the wrong end. ——(我被父母和社会赐予)那只望远镜, 总是倒过来使用。 114 00:11:41,400 --> 00:11:47,000 A telescope, used in the way prescribed by morality and convention-- 社会道德和习俗告诫, 要倒过来使用望远镜—— 115 00:11:47,400 --> 00:11:53,900 --shows only how small the lawn and flowers surrounding one's home are. ——在镜中只会看到自家周围小巧的绿地和鲜花。 116 00:11:54,200 --> 00:12:01,400 The child feels secure and is content with the beauty of its small domain. 孩子放心了,安居于这块小巧美丽的领土之上。 117 00:12:01,600 --> 00:12:08,800 It starts hoping that once grown up, it can enlarge lawns and flowerbeds. 开始希望在长大后可以扩大草坪,增种花木。 118 00:12:09,100 --> 00:12:15,600 But one day, something happens that strikes the child without premonition: 谁知有一天, 毫无征兆地事情降临在了孩子身上: 119 00:12:15,800 --> 00:12:21,500 you discover that the telescope has been the wrong way round. 他发现过去使用的望远镜是颠倒着看的。 120 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:29,600 And then you suddenly perceive what you've never seen before: 他过去未曾见的突然如实地显现了: 121 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:36,800 the flames of sulphorous fire in remote valleys-- 遥远的山谷喷射着硫磺的火焰—— 122 00:12:37,200 --> 00:12:42,400 --the savage animals in the wilderness with their fangs bared. ——森林里有着张牙舞爪,长着血盆大口的野兽。 123 00:12:43,700 --> 00:12:50,000 You know then that your world is an endless one-- 他知道自己的世界很宽广—— 124 00:12:50,300 --> 00:12:53,800 --of infinite variety. ——一切具备。 125 00:12:56,000 --> 00:13:01,000 I have no idea what you're talking about. I have kept on struggling-- 我不知道你在说些什么。 我只是坚持着斗争—— 126 00:13:01,300 --> 00:13:07,600 --rushing to and fro, unbelieving... All I understand is honour and glory. ——糊里糊涂地东奔西走… 我只知道一点,那就是名誉。 127 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:14,800 All in vain. The High Court in Provence condemned Alphonse to death. 您知道这一点也没用。 高等法院判处阿方斯死刑。 128 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:19,800 Since the accused was not present and his whereabouts unknown-- 由于被告去向不明—— 129 00:13:19,900 --> 00:13:22,800 --his portrait was burnt... ——他的肖像便作为替身… 130 00:13:24,800 --> 00:13:31,000 ...at the stake. I can well imagine flames licking at the friendly smile-- …被焚烧了。 对我而言一切历历在目,烈火在你女婿那—— 131 00:13:31,200 --> 00:13:37,600 --and fair hair of my son-in-law's portrait, while the mob cheered... ——笑容可掬,金光闪闪的肖像上燃烧。 民众们欢呼… 132 00:13:38,800 --> 00:13:44,500 Perhaps that was the first glimpse of the inferno in our world. 或许这是地狱的火焰第一次在人世闪现。 133 00:13:45,800 --> 00:13:51,600 The masses must have been yelling ''More wood!'' and ''Make it burn!''-- 民众喊叫着“再加一把火!”以及“燃烧吧!”—— 134 00:13:52,300 --> 00:13:58,500 --expressing envy for the depravity they themselves were incapable of. ——发泄着他们嫉妒的火焰, 这是冲着他们自己无法实现的恶行而来的。 135 00:13:58,900 --> 00:14:05,200 ''More wood!'' What would we do if the shouts reached all the way here? “再加一把火!” 要是呼声逼近了这座住宅,我们该怎么办? 136 00:14:06,000 --> 00:14:12,000 Some in the crowd are said to have shouted Ren閑's name, even mine! 听说民众中有人呼喊我女儿的名字,甚至我的名字! 137 00:14:12,800 --> 00:14:18,900 ''More wood on the fire!" It must have been a purifying fire. “再加一把火!” 这是净化之火。 138 00:14:19,200 --> 00:14:23,600 When the Marquis' portrait went up in flames, it atoned for his sins. 侯爵的肖像被烧了, 所有的罪恶都得到了补偿。 139 00:14:23,900 --> 00:14:27,500 ''More wood on the fire!" “再加一把火!” 140 00:14:27,800 --> 00:14:32,800 The lashing flames struck his pale cheeks and fair hair mercilessly. 火焰狠狠地抽打着他苍白的脸庞和金发。 141 00:14:33,300 --> 00:14:38,200 215...179... 二百一十五…一百七十九… 142 00:14:38,800 --> 00:14:42,000 I'm sure the portrait was smiling. 那个人的肖像在微笑。 143 00:14:52,800 --> 00:14:58,000 Madame, please consider my plight. I'm alone, I have no one to turn to. 夫人,请理解我的处境。 我孤身一人,无依无靠。 144 00:14:58,200 --> 00:15:03,900 All my plans have misfired. My voice is hoarse from all my lamenting. 我所有的计划都失败了。 我连嗓子都因悲痛而喊哑了。 145 00:15:04,100 --> 00:15:09,800 Tale heart, Madame! I shall hasten to pay a visit to Cardinal Philippe-- 夫人,坚强些! 我会尽快去拜访枢机主教菲利普—— 146 00:15:10,000 --> 00:15:15,000 --and ask him to secure absolution from the Vatican. ——请他向教廷请求一份赦免书。 147 00:15:15,200 --> 00:15:19,600 I have no wish to compete with Madame de Simiane in magnanimity-- 我不想和西米阿纳夫人争什么热心肠—— 148 00:15:19,800 --> 00:15:23,800 --nor do I usually strive for justice, honour or virtue. ——我也没资格讲正义、名誉和美德。 149 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:31,000 But I shall do what I can, not for your sake, but for the Marquis. 但我会尽自己所能,不是为了你, 而是为了萨德侯爵。 150 00:15:31,300 --> 00:15:40,200 I shall coax the steadfast Chancellor to annul the high court's decision. 我将诓骗那位规规矩矩的法官大人, 迫使高等法院撤销判决。 151 00:15:40,600 --> 00:15:45,600 Surely you asked me here to induce me to use my body? 你今天叫我来,不就是想诱使我出卖自己的身体吗? 152 00:15:45,800 --> 00:15:49,600 - I would never dream of such a... - You needn't dissemble. - 我不是这个意思… - 您不用掩饰。 153 00:15:49,900 --> 00:15:55,600 Making use of evil for a virtuous purpose, is a respectable thing to do. 为了成就美德,可以利用邪恶。 154 00:15:56,000 --> 00:16:01,600 - So I can count on your help? - Yes, you can, Madame. - 这么说,您肯救他? - 是的,夫人。 155 00:16:01,800 --> 00:16:06,200 I would have been prepared to beg on my knees. How can I thank you? 叫我跪倒求您我都愿意。 真不知道怎么感谢您。 156 00:16:06,400 --> 00:16:09,400 I have no desire to be thanked. 我不想得到您的感谢。 157 00:16:12,200 --> 00:16:15,900 - Excuse me, Madame... - What is it? Speak up. - 打扰了,夫人… - 什么事?说吧。 158 00:16:16,100 --> 00:16:21,800 In this house there is no longer anything to keep secret. 在我们家没有必要遮掩隐瞒的。 159 00:16:25,300 --> 00:16:29,900 - The Marquise de Sade is here. - My daughter? What brings her here? - 侯爵夫人现在来了。 - 我女儿?她来这做什么? 160 00:16:30,200 --> 00:16:35,800 Without a word of advance notice... Very well... Show her in. 预先连个招呼也不打… 好吧…叫她进来。 161 00:16:41,700 --> 00:16:47,000 Ren閑! I'm so pleased to see you. I've missed you. 勒内!我很高兴见到你。 我很想你。 162 00:16:48,800 --> 00:16:54,100 I was so eager to see you, Mother, that I just packed and left. 我迫切地想见您,妈妈, 因此我匆忙就上路了。 163 00:16:57,900 --> 00:17:03,000 It has been raining every day at La Coste. Outside the chateau-- 拉克斯特城堡当地的雨每天下个不停。 走出城外—— 164 00:17:03,300 --> 00:17:07,500 --I kept meeting the stares and surreptitious whispering of the villagers. ——我不断地遇见盯着我和小声议论我的村民。 165 00:17:07,800 --> 00:17:13,300 I was alone all day. At night the torchlight flickered on the walls-- 从早到晚,我独自一人。 夜间,城墙上火把闪动—— 166 00:17:13,600 --> 00:17:18,400 --the bats flew around and the owls screeched... ——蝙蝠乱舞,枭鸟悲鸣… 167 00:17:21,500 --> 00:17:26,500 I've come to Paris, because I longed to see you, albeit briefly-- 我来到巴黎,因为我只想瞧瞧你,哪怕看上一眼—— 168 00:17:26,700 --> 00:17:30,400 --and to confide in you, if only a few words. ——说说心里话,即使一句也行。 169 00:17:31,400 --> 00:17:37,200 It was good of you to come. I've sat here all on my own too-- 你来得正好。 我也是孑然一身—— 170 00:17:37,500 --> 00:17:41,900 --almost losing my head with worry about my poor daughter. ——想起不幸的女儿,我简直要发疯。 171 00:17:42,200 --> 00:17:46,200 Have you met the Comtesse de Saint-Fond? 你见过圣丰伯爵夫人了吧? 172 00:17:46,400 --> 00:17:49,800 My daughter, the Marquise de Sade. 我女儿——萨德侯爵夫人勒内。 173 00:17:51,500 --> 00:17:57,600 - Madame de Simiane, it's been long. - You've been through an ordeal. - 西米阿纳阿姨,好久不见了。 - 你受苦了。 174 00:17:57,900 --> 00:18:01,400 These ladies have promised to help us. 夫人们已经决定帮助你。 175 00:18:01,800 --> 00:18:07,300 Two allied friends like this mean as much as a band a thousand strong! 有了她们两位的援助, 你就会获得无穷的力量! 176 00:18:07,600 --> 00:18:13,000 - You should thank them too, Ren閑. - My humble thanks. - 你应该好好谢谢她们,勒内。 - 非常感谢。 177 00:18:13,300 --> 00:18:17,600 It's a pleasure to be of help. I shall act promptly in the morning. 不客气。 明早我就开始行动起来。 178 00:18:17,800 --> 00:18:23,500 - It's time we left. - Our fate is in your hands. - 我们告辞了。 - 请务必关照。 179 00:18:23,800 --> 00:18:28,000 I greatly appreciate anything you can do for us. 实在感激你们。 180 00:18:28,200 --> 00:18:32,000 Before we go, I'd like to ask the Marquise... 临别前,我想问侯爵夫人… 181 00:18:32,100 --> 00:18:38,300 Perhaps it is not quite appropriate, but such is my nature. 问这个问题有点失敬,但这是我的脾气。 182 00:18:40,200 --> 00:18:44,400 We've heard a fair amount about the Marquis from your mother. 关于侯爵的事,我们从你母亲那儿都听说了。 183 00:18:44,600 --> 00:18:50,100 I myself have collected more precise information than the gossip entails. 我搜集到的材料, 比世上的流言还要丰富。 184 00:18:50,400 --> 00:18:57,800 You and the family walk about without a trace of protective disguise. 你们全家如今就像穿着透明的衣服。 185 00:18:58,100 --> 00:19:04,400 I don't suppose any question can surprise you now. 我想再不会有什么问题能够让你吃惊了。 186 00:19:06,700 --> 00:19:13,000 This might make you willing to answer some indiscreet questions. 我这么说, 或许会让你愿意回答一些轻率的问题。 187 00:19:15,100 --> 00:19:19,300 - Am I right? - Of course. - 我说得对吗? - 当然。 188 00:19:19,400 --> 00:19:25,400 I am convinced the Marquis cannot express affection except indirectly-- 我认为,萨德侯爵无法表达出自己的爱意,除非—— 189 00:19:25,700 --> 00:19:30,200 --through the cruelty that is the inverse of tenderness. ——通过他的残暴,残暴就是他的温柔。 190 00:19:30,400 --> 00:19:33,800 How does this apply in your case? 那么,他对你呢? 191 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:40,800 - That's enough, Mme de Saint-Fond! - I mean, how does he treat you? - 够了,圣丰夫人! - 我的意思是,他对你怎么样? 192 00:19:41,000 --> 00:19:45,800 If I reply that he is sweet and considerate, you'll think him cruel. 我要是回答他很温柔,您一定会认为这就是他的残暴。 193 00:19:46,200 --> 00:19:51,800 - And if I say that he is brutal... - How astute you are! - 我要是回答他很残暴… - 你真聪明! 194 00:19:52,000 --> 00:19:58,800 He is my husband, and he loves me as a husband loves his wife. 他是我的丈夫,丈夫总是爱妻子的。 195 00:19:59,000 --> 00:20:04,000 Even if you should see us in bed, I would not need to be ashamed. 您即使看看我们的卧室, 我也没什么好感到羞耻的。 196 00:20:04,200 --> 00:20:10,200 How strange! Perhaps such a refined couple do not even need tenderness? 真怪异!对于这样一对恩爱夫妻来说, 什么温柔也不需要吗? 197 00:20:10,400 --> 00:20:15,300 - No, and not cruelty either. - We really must leave now. - 是的,不需要,也不需要残暴。 - 我们得走了。 198 00:20:15,400 --> 00:20:20,000 And please forgive the intrusion. 打扰了。 199 00:20:20,300 --> 00:20:25,600 I am truly grateful for your visit. How can I thank you... 实在有劳你们了。 真不知如何感谢才好… 200 00:20:26,400 --> 00:20:32,200 What a snake! And I have to ask that woman for a favour! 真是条毒蛇! 我居然还要拜托这种女人办事! 201 00:20:32,600 --> 00:20:37,900 You handled it admirably. That was a truly dignified reply. 你的回答很好, 真是不卑不亢。 202 00:20:38,200 --> 00:20:45,000 I was prepared for unpleasantness. The ladies will help us free Alphonse. 什么也别说了。 她们会帮我们救下阿方斯的。 203 00:20:45,200 --> 00:20:49,400 - So they have promised. - Poor Alphonse! - 她们都答应下来了。 - 可怜的阿方斯! 204 00:20:49,600 --> 00:20:53,900 It was worth coming to Paris just to hear such welcome news. 听到这么个好消息, 巴黎没白来。 205 00:20:54,200 --> 00:20:58,300 I thought you said you'd come to Paris to see me. 我以为你来巴黎是想要见我呢。 206 00:20:58,600 --> 00:21:04,200 - Where is Alphonse now? - I wonder. - 阿方斯现在哪? - 我不知道。 207 00:21:04,500 --> 00:21:10,200 Did he leave without telling even his wife where he was heading? 他在离开前甚至都没有告知自己的妻子他的去向吗? 208 00:21:10,500 --> 00:21:15,600 If I'd known, I would have found it difficult to pretend ignorance. 我要是真知道,很难掩饰了。 209 00:21:15,900 --> 00:21:22,100 It is best for me to know nothing. His safety is my paramount wish. 我还不如不知道来得好。 我最大的心愿是他能平安无事。 210 00:21:22,400 --> 00:21:28,600 What a loyal wife you are! My ideals really have borne fruit! 你真是个坚贞的女子! 是我的理想培育出的一朵鲜花! 211 00:21:28,800 --> 00:21:31,700 And then you get a husband like that! 可你却有着这么个丈夫! 212 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:37,300 The value of a wife's chastity is independent of her husband's character. 妻子坚贞的价值并不因丈夫而改变。 213 00:21:37,500 --> 00:21:40,400 Yes, but there are limits. 是的,但凡事都有分寸。 214 00:21:40,700 --> 00:21:46,000 If my husband's debauchery exceeds the limits, so must my obligations. 丈夫的罪行要是超出分寸, 那么我作为妻子的责任也要一并超出分寸。 215 00:21:46,400 --> 00:21:52,000 It breaks my heart to see how patiently you endure all your troubles. 看到你如此的坚韧不拔,我的心都要碎了。 216 00:21:52,300 --> 00:21:57,200 Your blessed father was, after all, honorary president of the Tax Court. 毕竟你那幸福的父亲,曾经是税务法院的名誉院长。 217 00:21:57,400 --> 00:22:02,100 We always lived an honourable life, far from wicked gossip. 我们总是过着高尚的生活, 远离流言蜚语。 218 00:22:02,300 --> 00:22:07,600 What curse has heaped such misfortunes on our beloved daughter? 究竟是什么样的诅咒作祟, 使不幸降临到我们可爱的女儿身上? 219 00:22:07,800 --> 00:22:11,200 I loathe that word, ''misfortunes''! 我厌恶这个词,“不幸”! 220 00:22:11,400 --> 00:22:17,400 I've always had to adapt to you. Your wishes have been my commands. 我一直都随着你的意愿。 按照你的希望行动。 221 00:22:17,600 --> 00:22:23,500 To save your husband, I've swallowed my pride, begged outsiders for help! 为了营救你的丈夫, 我咽下自己的骄傲,求助于外人! 222 00:22:23,800 --> 00:22:29,800 But now that you've turned up unexpectedly like this-- 可是,既然你今天突然间回来了—— 223 00:22:30,100 --> 00:22:34,800 --I shall speak my mind. I don't care what happens-- ——我得说出自己的想法。 我不在意会发生些什么—— 224 00:22:34,900 --> 00:22:39,800 --to our royal connections. You must divorce Alphonse! ——什么波旁王朝,随它去吧。 你必须和阿方斯离婚! 225 00:22:40,100 --> 00:22:45,600 - God doesn't allow divorce. - But leave him then, at least! - 上帝不允许离婚。 - 但至少要和他分居! 226 00:22:45,800 --> 00:22:50,400 The formalities don't matter, so long as you cut all ties. 不管什么形式, 要彻底分开。 227 00:22:50,700 --> 00:22:55,500 If God does not allow the form of divorce, it's because separation-- 如果上帝不承认离婚这种形式, 就是要你用分居—— 228 00:22:55,900 --> 00:23:02,400 --will remedy your misfortunes, without severing our royal connections. ——来治愈不幸, 同波旁王朝继续维持这份姻缘。 229 00:23:02,600 --> 00:23:08,300 - No, I won't leave Alphonse. - Why not, Ren閑? - 不,我不会离开阿方斯的。 - 为什么不,勒内? 230 00:23:08,500 --> 00:23:14,700 Is it just obduracy, or is it a matter of etiquette and good form? 是意气用事,还是顾及面子? 231 00:23:14,900 --> 00:23:19,000 I refuse to believe it is love. 我不相信这是因为爱情。 232 00:23:19,200 --> 00:23:25,000 I don't know if love is the right word. During my sleepless nights-- 我也不知道是不是为了爱情。 在我那些不眠的夜里—— 233 00:23:25,200 --> 00:23:30,300 --I have pondered on everything that has happened since we married. ——我都在思考我们结婚以来发生的事情。 234 00:23:30,500 --> 00:23:34,000 It has all become clear. 现在我完全明白了。 235 00:23:34,300 --> 00:23:39,700 Fragments that lay scattered in my memory have fallen into place-- 留在记忆里的那些片段连接了起来—— 236 00:23:40,000 --> 00:23:45,900 --and become strung together like a necklace - a necklace of rubies... ——就像一条项链 — 红宝石项链… 237 00:23:46,100 --> 00:23:49,900 ...of precious stones as red as blood. …血一般鲜红的宝石。 238 00:23:51,400 --> 00:23:57,100 I remember how on our honeymoon Alphonse stopped our carriage-- 我记得在新婚旅行途中, 有一回阿方斯将我们的马车停在—— 239 00:23:57,400 --> 00:24:02,700 --in a lily field. He wanted to intoxicate the flowers-- ——百合花从里。 他想让那鲜花也醉一醉—— 240 00:24:02,900 --> 00:24:07,400 --and he had a cask of red wine emptied over their white heads. ——于是他拎起一桶红葡萄酒, 浇在白色的百合花上。 241 00:24:07,700 --> 00:24:13,400 Then he watched in delight as the red wine dripped from the petals. 他看着那酒液从花瓣上一滴一滴掉落下来。 242 00:24:16,200 --> 00:24:21,800 Another time we came home from a hunt, and with his bare hands-- 还有一回,我们打猎回来, 他光着手—— 243 00:24:22,100 --> 00:24:27,200 --he removed the heart from the bloodstained breast of a white hare. ——从小白兔鲜血染红的胸膛中, 掏出它的心脏。 244 00:24:27,500 --> 00:24:35,400 He smiled contentedly and said that all loving hearts look the same. 他满足地笑了,并说所有热恋中的心看起来都是一样的。 245 00:24:38,600 --> 00:24:44,100 Things that I took for whims have become part of a pattern-- 当时我以为只不过是心血来潮的事, 如今联想起来—— 246 00:24:44,400 --> 00:24:48,000 --with their own signifiance. ——那每件事原来都别有意味。 247 00:24:48,400 --> 00:24:52,900 I was gripped by a feeling beyond all logic. 我因此产生了一种异乎寻常的感情。 248 00:24:54,400 --> 00:25:02,000 If all the rubies that whirled in my mind had been joined to a necklace-- 如果坠落在记忆中的一颗颗红玛瑙, 能串成一条项链—— 249 00:25:02,400 --> 00:25:07,800 --it was my duty to take good care of it and make it my own. ——我定会倍加珍视。 250 00:25:08,000 --> 00:25:13,000 It was not you but Alphonse who lost those rubies. 可这些红玛瑙不是你, 而是阿方斯掉落的呀。 251 00:25:13,200 --> 00:25:19,000 - Now he has entrusted them to me. - Your pride will be the ruin of you. - 是他献给我的。 - 你的傲慢会毁了你自身的。 252 00:25:19,500 --> 00:25:24,600 However I express myself, I don't think you can understand. Once more: 不管怎样我已经表明了自己的想法, 我不认为你能理解我。还有: 253 00:25:24,800 --> 00:25:32,500 Now I know what the truth is. My loyalty is based on that truth. 如今我已经知道了真相。 我的贞淑便是建立在这个真相之上的。 254 00:25:33,200 --> 00:25:37,300 Do you understand what Alphonse's wife is trying to say? 懂吗?这就是阿方斯的妻子要说的话。 255 00:25:37,600 --> 00:25:43,300 The truth is the whip and the pastilles... shame and dishonour. 真相就是鞭子和媚药… 以及羞愧与耻辱。 256 00:25:43,600 --> 00:25:47,700 You and everyone else look only to facts. 你和其他人一样都只盯着表象。 257 00:25:48,000 --> 00:25:52,800 It's easy to dismiss him as a monster, when one is a normal person. 申辩他不是个怪物当然很容易, 如果他是个普通人的话。 258 00:25:52,800 --> 00:25:56,000 But Alphonse really is a monster. 但阿方斯确实是个怪物。 259 00:25:56,200 --> 00:26:01,900 Then I can hardly be sane myself, and no one can rely on me. 要是这么说, 我也就不是一个安全可靠的人了。 260 00:26:02,100 --> 00:26:06,000 - Ren閑, you don't mean that you... - Don't worry. - 勒内,你真的也… - 放心吧。 261 00:26:06,300 --> 00:26:10,700 You give your imagination just as free a rein as Madame de Saint-Fond. 连妈妈你都有圣丰夫人那样的想象力。 262 00:26:11,000 --> 00:26:16,700 Alphonse is like music with a single theme. I vowed to be faithful to it. 阿方斯是一首无主题音乐, 我誓为这首音乐保守贞洁。 263 00:26:17,000 --> 00:26:23,200 The theme may be tender, or resound with lashes of a whip. 这主题可能是温柔的, 也可能听得到鞭子抽打时的回声。 264 00:26:23,400 --> 00:26:28,900 But Alphonse has never made me hear the lashes. 但阿方斯绝不会对我响起鞭子声。 265 00:26:29,200 --> 00:26:33,800 Whether it's a sign of his respect or his contempt, I don't know. 我不知道这种关怀对于我是尊敬还是侮辱。 266 00:26:34,100 --> 00:26:40,200 - You've been deceived, like me. - No man has ever deceived a woman. - 你被欺骗了,我也一样。 - 女人从来都不会被男人欺骗。 267 00:26:40,400 --> 00:26:45,500 - But if he were a normal man... - Alphonse is a man! - 假如他不是一般的男人呢… - 但阿方斯是男人! 268 00:26:45,700 --> 00:26:51,900 Of course when we married I had no idea that he was a man like this. 当然,结婚时我做梦都没想到他是这样的男人。 269 00:26:52,100 --> 00:26:56,500 But still, I think I have always known him. 即便如此,我依然认为我早就了解他。 270 00:26:56,800 --> 00:27:01,000 Perhaps I have loved the shadows-- 或许我热爱着那片阴影—— 271 00:27:01,400 --> 00:27:09,000 --that may be glimpsed behind his radiant brow and shining gaze. ——在阴影里藏匿着他帅气的前额, 以及明亮的眸子。 272 00:27:12,200 --> 00:27:17,900 What's the difference between loving roses and loving the scent of roses? 热爱玫瑰,也就热爱玫瑰的香气, 这两者有区别吗? 273 00:27:18,200 --> 00:27:24,500 What a stupid question! The rose has the scent suitable for a rose. 别瞎说了! 玫瑰应该具有与玫瑰自身相称的香气。 274 00:27:24,700 --> 00:27:31,200 I beg you, save Alphonse. If he is pardoned-- 我请求您,救救阿方斯。 如果他能获得赦免—— 275 00:27:31,500 --> 00:27:36,400 --I shall do my utmost to move his heart, to soothe the fury in his soul-- ——我将竭尽全力,融化他的心, 抚慰他焦躁的灵魂—— 276 00:27:36,700 --> 00:27:42,000 --to make sure he is never again the subject of evil gossip. This time... ——努力使他不再为世人说三道四。 这回… 277 00:27:42,200 --> 00:27:48,200 You're exhausted. Rest awhile. You're bound to find some way out. 你累了。歇一歇吧。 会想出好办法的。 278 00:27:48,500 --> 00:27:51,900 I'll accompany you to your room. 我带着你回房间。 279 00:28:26,800 --> 00:28:30,800 Why don't you wish to see your sister, mademoiselle? 为什么不想见您的姐姐呢? 280 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:36,700 Unpleasant words might be uttered. I've returned to see my mother-- 见了就得谈些不愉快的事。 我回来是想看看妈妈—— 281 00:28:37,000 --> 00:28:43,000 --and find my sister. What bad luck! The look in her eyes frightens me. ——却发现我姐姐在这儿。真不走运! 她的眼神好吓人。 282 00:28:43,200 --> 00:28:47,700 How can you say that about your own sister? 你对自己的亲姐姐怎能这么说? 283 00:28:47,900 --> 00:28:52,200 You can go, Charlotte. I shall wait for Mother here. 夏洛特,你下去吧。 我在这儿等妈妈。 284 00:29:21,000 --> 00:29:26,200 - Anne! What a surprise! - It's a long time since we last met. - 安娜!真是惊喜! - 我们好久没见面了。 285 00:29:30,000 --> 00:29:36,100 - To have both my daughters home! - Charlotte just said. Where is Ren閑? - 我的两个女儿都回来了! - 夏洛特刚告诉了我。勒内在哪? 286 00:29:36,400 --> 00:29:41,900 In her room, resting. But how was your journey? Where did you go? 在她房间里休息。 你的旅行怎样?你都去了哪儿? 287 00:29:42,200 --> 00:29:47,700 - To Italy. I was mainly in Venice. - Then you really did go a long way. - 去了意大利。主要呆在威尼斯。 - 你跑得很远呐。 288 00:29:48,000 --> 00:29:54,300 - I didn't want to be known. - An innocent lady of noble descent? - 为了避人耳目嘛。 - 一个清纯的孟特勒伊家姑娘何必这样? 289 00:29:54,600 --> 00:29:58,300 It was my travelling companion who wished not to be recognized. 是与我同行的伴侣希望这样。 290 00:29:58,400 --> 00:30:02,200 - A lady friend? - No, my brother-in-law. - 一位女性朋友? - 不,是姐夫。 291 00:30:02,500 --> 00:30:05,500 Alphonse. 阿方斯。 292 00:30:05,800 --> 00:30:11,200 Surely you don't mean that you travelled with Alphonse? 这么说,你、你是和阿方斯一起旅行? 293 00:30:11,900 --> 00:30:17,400 - Yes, we were together all the time. - But how could you? - 是啊,我们一直在一起。 - 你竟然? 294 00:30:17,500 --> 00:30:22,000 I was invited to La Coste. 我应邀去拉科斯特城堡。 295 00:30:22,600 --> 00:30:27,000 On the very first night Alphonse came to my bedroom. 第一个晚上, 姐夫闯入我的房间。 296 00:30:27,200 --> 00:30:31,400 He didn't ask whether I wanted it or not. 他连问我愿不愿意都没有。 297 00:30:31,700 --> 00:30:37,200 When he was sought by the police he asked me to flee with him. 当追捕的人发现了他, 姐夫要我和他一起逃走。 298 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:56,400 How dreadful! He's an evil spirit in human guise. 多么可怕啊!他是个魔鬼。 299 00:30:56,600 --> 00:30:59,100 Poor Ren閑! 可怜的勒内! 300 00:31:00,700 --> 00:31:06,100 This must stay between you and me. 这件事只能是你和我两个人之间的秘密。 301 00:31:06,300 --> 00:31:10,900 You must on no account say anything to Ren閑. It would kill her. 你绝不能让勒内知道。 这会杀了她。 302 00:31:11,200 --> 00:31:16,900 My sister already knows everything. What happened at La Coste... 姐姐已经知道啦。 发生在拉科斯特城堡的事… 303 00:31:17,200 --> 00:31:22,300 ..that we travelled to Italy. She also knows where Alphonse is hiding. …以及我们去意大利旅行的事。 她也知道阿方斯现在躲藏的地方。 304 00:31:22,500 --> 00:31:26,400 Does Ren閑 know? 勒内都知道? 305 00:31:30,000 --> 00:31:35,300 Where is Alphonse hiding now? I suppose you know that too? 阿方斯现在藏哪? 你也知道吧? 306 00:31:35,600 --> 00:31:39,200 - Of course I know. - Where, then? - 我当然知道。 - 在哪? 307 00:31:39,600 --> 00:31:46,100 At Chamb閞y, in Sardinia. He's hiding at a farm outside the town. 在撒丁王国的尚贝里。 他就躲在郊外的一家农舍里。 308 00:31:46,400 --> 00:31:51,800 - In Sardinia, did you say? - At Chamb閞y. - 在撒丁王国,你确定吗? - 嗯,尚贝里。 309 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:54,800 Charlotte! 夏洛特! 310 00:31:58,000 --> 00:32:03,500 I'm going to write three letters. I want them delivered straight away. 我马上写三封信。 你立即送去。 311 00:32:03,700 --> 00:32:06,000 Stay here! 就在这儿等! 312 00:32:13,400 --> 00:32:19,100 - How was the summer in Venice? - Wonderful! - 威尼斯的夏天怎样? - 太美了! 313 00:32:21,000 --> 00:32:27,600 Mortal danger, love, death, turbid canals... 梦幻般的危险,温柔,死亡,污浊的运河… 314 00:32:29,500 --> 00:32:34,200 And the square that one couldn't cross when the water rose... 涨水时无法通行的教堂广场… 315 00:32:35,200 --> 00:32:40,400 - I'd like to go somewhere like that - Every night you could hear a duel. - 多想去看看啊。 - 每晚都有喧闹的决斗。 316 00:32:40,800 --> 00:32:45,000 There were bloodstains on the bridges in the morning mist. 早晨,雾霭缭绕的小桥上残留着血迹。 317 00:32:45,700 --> 00:32:50,000 And the whole sky was full of pigeons! 成群的鸽子漫天飞舞! 318 00:32:50,300 --> 00:32:55,300 When nothing disturbs them, they strut around St. Mark's Square-- 安静的时候, 圣马可广场满是鸽子—— 319 00:32:55,600 --> 00:33:00,400 --but when frightened they all rise at once, with rustling wings... ——一旦受惊,它们便挥舞起羽毛… 320 00:33:01,600 --> 00:33:07,400 The peals of the campanile bells, resounding over the still water... 钟声,掠过沉沉水面的钟声… 321 00:33:07,700 --> 00:33:15,900 All the bridges, as countless as the pigeons. And the moon... 多得像鸽子般的桥梁。还有月亮… 322 00:33:16,600 --> 00:33:21,400 You must have enjoyed the gondolas, and the gondoliers' singing! 你一定很享受贡多拉(独具特色的威尼斯尖舟), 以及贡多拉的船歌! 323 00:33:21,700 --> 00:33:27,600 Gondolas? Singing? I suppose that is what Venice means to other people. 贡多拉?船歌? 我认为那是一般世俗凡人的威尼斯。 324 00:33:27,800 --> 00:33:30,800 Charlotte! 夏洛特! 325 00:33:31,000 --> 00:33:36,300 One to the Comtesse de Saint-Fond, the other to the Baronne de Simiane. 一封送给圣丰伯爵夫人, 一封送给西米阿纳男爵夫人。 326 00:33:36,600 --> 00:33:42,400 Make sure they understand that I retract something I requested earlier. 要保证她们明白, 我撤销了刚才拜托她们的事情。 327 00:33:44,800 --> 00:33:49,600 The third letter is a petition to His Majesty the King. 还有一封是呈送给国王陛下。 328 00:33:50,000 --> 00:33:55,200 I shall deliver this one to the Palace personally. 这封信我还是亲自送到宫里去吧。 329 00:34:10,400 --> 00:34:14,700 SECOND ACT SEPTEMBER 1778 第二幕 1778年9月 330 00:34:39,200 --> 00:34:44,500 - I have good news. - What's it all about, so suddenly? - 好消息。 - 这么突然,什么事啊? 331 00:34:45,400 --> 00:34:50,400 You can have it... if you can take it! 只要你拿得到…你就能知道! 332 00:34:53,400 --> 00:34:58,400 - Don't tease, Anne. - Look, here it is! - 别逗我了,安娜。 - 看,这个! 333 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:14,000 How childish you are! 你真孩子气! 334 00:35:21,100 --> 00:35:24,900 "Decision of the High Court in Provence: “《普罗旺斯地区高等法院判决书》 335 00:35:25,200 --> 00:35:29,900 The accused, Donatien-Alphonse- Fran鏾is de Sade is reprimanded-- 被告,多纳西安·阿方斯·弗朗索瓦·德·萨德, 因—— 336 00:35:30,200 --> 00:35:35,000 --for the crimes of sodomy and indecency committed by him. ——鸡奸和伤风败俗罪受训诫处分。 337 00:35:35,300 --> 00:35:39,900 Furthermore, the said Marquis is required to pay fines of 50 louis d'or-- 另,罚金五十里弗赫—— 338 00:35:40,200 --> 00:35:44,300 --and prohibited, for the ensuing three years, to reside in Marseilles. ——三年内不得离开马赛。 339 00:35:44,600 --> 00:35:50,400 On payment of fines, his name will be deleted from the records." 支付罚金的同时, 将其名字从囚犯名册上删去。” 340 00:35:50,600 --> 00:35:55,000 - That was good news, wasn't it? - It's like a dream. - 是好消息吧? - 像梦一样。 341 00:35:55,200 --> 00:36:00,300 - More like waking from a nightmare. - This means Alphonse is free... - 像从恶梦中醒来。 - 这意味着阿方斯自由了… 342 00:36:00,700 --> 00:36:05,900 ...and so am I... after six long years. …而且我也…在长长的六年后。 343 00:36:06,600 --> 00:36:13,100 Six years ago we concocted those plans to save Alphonse, remember? 还记得吗,六年前我们策划着营救阿方斯? 344 00:36:13,400 --> 00:36:19,800 You'd just come back from Italy, where you had consoled Alphonse. 为了抚慰阿方斯, 你陪他到意大利旅行刚回来那阵子。 345 00:36:20,100 --> 00:36:25,800 ''Consoled Alphonse''! Isn't it time to stop using such euphemisms? “抚慰阿方斯”! 你能不再说这些客套话吗? 346 00:36:26,000 --> 00:36:31,900 - After all, it's past history. - Yes, of course it's the past - gone. - 毕竟,都过去了。 - 是的,过去当然都 — 过去了。 347 00:36:34,400 --> 00:36:39,700 For six years I hammered on a door of stone. My nails were torn off-- 六年来,我不停敲击那扇紧闭的石门。 我的指甲剥落了—— 348 00:36:39,800 --> 00:36:45,400 --my fists became bloody, but it was beyond my power to open that door. ——拳头磨出血来, 但以我的力气,根本打不开这扇门。 349 00:36:45,700 --> 00:36:50,500 - You did your best. - But my best wasn't good enough. - 你已经尽力了。 - 但单凭我的力量是不够的。 350 00:36:50,800 --> 00:36:54,900 If it was our mother's strength that make that door close-- 如果这扇石门是因母亲的力量而紧紧关闭的话—— 351 00:36:55,200 --> 00:37:00,200 --it's also her strength that has made it open, quite unexpectedly. ——那么这次也同样是因为母亲的力量才出乎意料地打开来。 352 00:37:00,900 --> 00:37:06,800 So now mother and daughters are reconciled, and the daughters too. 那么现在,我们母女三人应该没有什么隔阂了。 353 00:37:07,800 --> 00:37:11,800 Of course. You've grown up... 是啊。你也长大了… 354 00:37:12,000 --> 00:37:14,700 ...and I've grown old. …我也上年纪了。 355 00:37:15,000 --> 00:37:21,700 No, your radiant face is younger and more beautiful than six years ago. 不,姐姐你春光满面的脸庞,比六年前更年轻,更漂亮。 356 00:37:23,100 --> 00:37:29,700 Happiness... In the world's eyes I'm the unhappiest of people. 所谓幸福… 在世人的眼里我是个最最不幸的女人。 357 00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:34,700 Last winter at La Coste, there was such a shortage of wood-- 去年冬天在拉科斯特城堡, 连烤火的木柴也短缺了—— 358 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:39,500 --that all I could do to get some warmth was crawl into bed. ——我只能钻进被窝里取暖。 359 00:37:39,800 --> 00:37:45,100 I've never felt such joy about the spring. 我在春天从来没有感到这么快乐过。 360 00:37:45,400 --> 00:37:52,500 When the grass turned green and the sun filtered down on the icy floors-- 当草儿新绿,阳光照射着冰冻的地面—— 361 00:37:52,800 --> 00:37:58,600 --through the round windows high up, like great shining brass trumpets-- ——透过高耸的圆窗, 宛如一只巨大的黄铜喇叭—— 362 00:37:59,000 --> 00:38:05,300 --my hope was reawakened that Alphonse would regain his freedom. ——我的愿望也复苏了, 巴望着阿方斯能重获自由。 363 00:38:07,500 --> 00:38:13,800 It was as if Alphonse's debauchery and my own distress had merged. 就好像阿方斯的恶行和我的不幸, 结成了一体。 364 00:38:14,200 --> 00:38:21,100 In these six years, my unhappiness has finally caught up-- 这六年间, 我的不幸终于达到—— 365 00:38:21,300 --> 00:38:27,800 --with Alphonse's obsession - or so it seems. ——阿方斯追求欢愉的高度了- 似乎是这样。 366 00:38:29,300 --> 00:38:33,600 I have felt his terrible loneliness in prison-- 我早已品尝到他在监狱中那恐怖的孤独—— 367 00:38:33,900 --> 00:38:38,000 --as strongly as if myself had experienced it. ——这孤独如此强烈, 好像我自己也经历过一般。 368 00:38:38,300 --> 00:38:43,600 I have realized that whatever depraved actions he has carried out-- 我已经意识到, 无论他做过多少邪恶的事—— 369 00:38:43,800 --> 00:38:48,000 --he has always striven for the unattainable. ——他只是一直在追求着无法达到的滋味。 370 00:38:51,500 --> 00:38:55,400 That is why Alphonse has never loved anyone... 这就是为什么阿方斯谁也不爱… 371 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:58,900 ...not even you. …包括你。 372 00:38:59,200 --> 00:39:02,800 Nor you, sister? 也包括姐姐您吗? 373 00:39:04,600 --> 00:39:09,700 Perhaps that is why you and I have managed to become friends again. 这也许就是我们言归于好的主要原因。 374 00:39:09,900 --> 00:39:13,400 And the happiness you mentioned? 那么,幸福呢? 375 00:39:13,700 --> 00:39:17,700 How shall I describe the happiness? 所谓幸福,怎么说才好? 376 00:39:18,000 --> 00:39:24,400 It is like a piece of handiwork that makes one's neck stiff-- 它好比是让人脖子疼的手工活—— 377 00:39:24,700 --> 00:39:28,000 --like a kind of needlework. ——就像某种绣花活。 378 00:39:28,300 --> 00:39:34,200 Stitch by stitch, the embroiderer sews in loneliness, weariness-- 一针一线,刺绣的人将孤独,寂寞—— 379 00:39:34,400 --> 00:39:39,800 --anxiety, sadness, nights of terror-- ——焦虑,悲伤,夜间的凄清—— 380 00:39:39,900 --> 00:39:43,900 --and sunrises of dismay-- ——和巨大的沮丧给缝进去—— 381 00:39:44,200 --> 00:39:49,200 --and she sighs with relief when she has completed a small tapestry... ——当她制作完成了一块小挂毯后,松了口气… 382 00:39:49,400 --> 00:39:52,700 ...with conventional roses. …这挂毯带着一朵平凡的玫瑰花。 383 00:39:54,700 --> 00:39:58,100 A woman's hands and a woman's patience-- 凭借女人的双手和耐力—— 384 00:39:58,300 --> 00:40:02,400 --can even transform the torments of hell into roses. ——可以将地狱里的痛苦变成一朵玫瑰花。 385 00:40:03,500 --> 00:40:07,100 Ren閑, isn't it wonderful? Congratulations! 勒内,这回好了。 祝贺你! 386 00:40:07,400 --> 00:40:12,100 - I owe everything to you, mother. - Don't overdo the gratitude. - 这些都是托妈妈的福啊。 - 别这样郑重其事地感谢。 387 00:40:12,400 --> 00:40:18,200 - You've felt very bitter towards me. - I blush to hear you say that. - 你以前好像一直在怨恨我来着。 - 提起这些,我就脸红。 388 00:40:18,500 --> 00:40:24,200 Alphonse should be home at La Coste already. I must prepare to leave. 阿方斯一定已经回到拉科斯特城堡了。 我得准备走了。 389 00:40:24,700 --> 00:40:31,400 - You needn't be in such a hurry. - No, you can very well let him wait. - 不要着急嘛。 - 越是这个时候,越要让他等着。 390 00:40:31,700 --> 00:40:37,400 Today I think we should be together all three like we used to-- 我想我们仨该好好聚一聚,像从前一样—— 391 00:40:37,700 --> 00:40:41,900 --and tell one another about the hardships we've gone through. ——互相倾诉所受的苦难。 392 00:40:42,200 --> 00:40:47,400 Like that time when Alphonse managed to escape from prison. 例如,阿方斯巧妙地逃狱的那次。 393 00:40:48,100 --> 00:40:53,700 I can't stop hating him for treating my daughters so disgracefully. 我不住地怨恨他,如此轻视我的女儿。 394 00:40:54,000 --> 00:40:57,800 - He hasn't treated med disgracefully. - Nor me. - 他没有轻视我。 - 对我也是。 395 00:40:58,000 --> 00:41:01,900 What you say is ridiculous and incomprehensible! 你们所说的是多么无耻和下流啊! 396 00:41:02,100 --> 00:41:05,400 His desire flares up like a sacriledge-- 他的欲望因冒渎而燃烧—— 397 00:41:05,700 --> 00:41:09,800 --like when a horse is excited by trampling the frozen grass... ——正如马因为兴奋而踩踏结冰的草地… 398 00:41:10,100 --> 00:41:13,900 That's why he always follows a fixed pattern: 这就是为何他总表现得这般: 399 00:41:14,200 --> 00:41:19,500 he lets the muddy water of a cold morning crystallize into sacred ice-- 他等污秽的土地上渗出的水, 在早晨寒冷空气中结成了霜柱—— 400 00:41:19,800 --> 00:41:25,500 --that he crushes underfoot. Whores are momentarily turned into saints-- ——只为了将它踏碎。 (因为他,)那些娼妓一时成为了圣女—— 401 00:41:25,800 --> 00:41:30,900 --so that he can whip them. The next moment the dream is torn to shreds. ——只是为了被他鞭打。 紧接着,她们的梦碎了。 402 00:41:31,100 --> 00:41:34,600 Then he gets rid of the whores and beggars-- 随后他将这些娼妓和乞丐踢出门外—— 403 00:41:34,800 --> 00:41:40,400 --and has no one to feed the honey of tenderness he has collected inside-- ——他找不到一个可以赠与的对象, 来分享他从这些瞬间积聚的蜜糖—— 404 00:41:40,800 --> 00:41:44,700 --after these moments of rapture. ——这些狂喜的瞬间。 405 00:41:44,900 --> 00:41:48,400 Then he returns to me-- 最后他回到我身边—— 406 00:41:48,700 --> 00:41:52,400 --and lets all his love flow over me. ——把他全部的爱倾注到我的身上。 407 00:41:52,700 --> 00:41:58,600 Under the dazzling sun, he toils to collect the honey of tenderness-- 在令人眩晕的阳光下, 他辛勤地采集着温馨的花蜜—— 408 00:41:58,900 --> 00:42:06,800 --and bestows it on me where I'm waiting in the cool, dark hive. ——送给等待在阴凉窝巢里的我。 409 00:42:07,300 --> 00:42:13,400 How you end up adorning Alphonse with your understanding, your poetry! 你在各方面都用理解和诗, 来表示你对阿方斯的喜爱! 410 00:42:16,000 --> 00:42:22,600 I never thought of understanding him. With me, he let himself go. 我根本不打算理解他。 (因此)当与我为伴时,他能很放心。 411 00:42:23,300 --> 00:42:29,200 He loves me like a man. And I responded like a woman. 他作为一个男人爱我。 我也能作为一个女人回应他。 412 00:42:30,800 --> 00:42:35,100 Since you venture to be so open, I have something to add: 既然你能够谈得这样毫不遮掩, 那我不妨也补充一下: 413 00:42:35,600 --> 00:42:38,600 I used you as a tool. 我把你当成工具使用了。 414 00:42:40,900 --> 00:42:45,300 Alphonse could never behave like a normal man with me-- 阿方斯和我在一起时没法表现得像一个凡人—— 415 00:42:45,700 --> 00:42:52,100 --since I knew he wasn't a normal man. That's why I chose you. ——而我知道,他根本不是凡人。 于是,我选择了你。 416 00:42:56,000 --> 00:43:01,900 You don't have my memories of Venice. I'm sorry for you. 姐姐你的回忆里没有我的威尼斯。 我为你感到可怜。 417 00:43:02,400 --> 00:43:08,000 The moon, red as blood, rising out of a canal in the mist... 如血般鲜红的月亮, 从雾气包裹的运河上升起来… 418 00:43:08,200 --> 00:43:14,600 An umade bed, redolent of seaweed washed up on a white beach-- 一张杂乱的小床,以及白色海滩边被海风吹拂的海藻—— 419 00:43:14,800 --> 00:43:19,000 --full of the dampness and odour of the sea. ——都飘荡在湿润潮腥的海上。 420 00:43:19,200 --> 00:43:23,300 The bloodstained recollections that sometimes showed in his eyes... 他眼睛里闪现的血光… 421 00:43:23,500 --> 00:43:28,700 - ...were the source of our tenderness. - What a revolting topic of discussion! - …正是我们温馨的源泉。 - 多么无耻下流! 422 00:43:29,000 --> 00:43:36,000 The Comtesse de Saint-Fond asks to be admitted for a brief word. 圣丰伯爵夫人希望能和您谈几句。 423 00:43:36,200 --> 00:43:41,800 Well, she's heard most of it. Ask her to come in. 好的,她随时都可以与我见面。 快请她进来吧。 424 00:44:14,500 --> 00:44:20,100 I took the liberty of arriving like this. I trust you don't mind. 我自己进来了。希望您别介意。 425 00:44:20,500 --> 00:44:24,600 At least I'm not flying in on a broomhandle. 毕竟我不是骑着扫帚飞进来的。 426 00:44:24,800 --> 00:44:28,700 I have something to tell you. 我有事要告诉您。 427 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:34,400 Last night I acted like Mme de Montespan in the days of Louis XIV. 昨晚,我干了一件太阳王时代孟特斯庞夫人做过的事。 428 00:44:34,700 --> 00:44:39,800 A private audience with the King? But they say our present monarch... 您的意思是做了国王的情妇? 不过,现在的国王陛下… 429 00:44:40,200 --> 00:44:46,500 I shall tell you everything. I need a good listener like you-- 不,我得把一切告诉你。 我需要有您这样优秀的听众—— 430 00:44:46,800 --> 00:44:50,800 --not an easily scared creature like Madame de Simiane. ——而不是像西米阿纳夫人那样胆小怕事的人。 431 00:44:51,100 --> 00:44:55,600 A lady with courage and presence of mind, who defends virtue at all times. 您是一位有勇气,有意志力,能充当美德代表的夫人。 432 00:44:55,800 --> 00:44:59,400 Thank you for the compliment. 我感到很光荣。 433 00:45:03,800 --> 00:45:08,800 When people feel a need to spice their pleasures, they call to mind-- 当人们认为快乐需要加点佐料时, 他们会想起—— 434 00:45:09,100 --> 00:45:15,400 --how as children they enjoyed being punished, and regret this loss. ——儿童时代受处罚的快乐, 谁都会认为不受处罚是一种不足。 435 00:45:15,900 --> 00:45:20,900 Then they begin to scorn the invisible Master-- 因此,他们都会向看不见的天主吐唾沫—— 436 00:45:21,200 --> 00:45:27,800 --challenging him, arousing his wrath. But divinity is a lazy dog: ——挑战他,激起他的愤怒。 然而神圣却像一只懒狗: 437 00:45:28,100 --> 00:45:34,100 while it is dozing in the sun, you can pull its tail without it flinching. 它在太阳底下睡午觉, 你拽它的尾巴,它连眼睛也不会睁一下。 438 00:45:34,400 --> 00:45:40,000 - You say that God is a lazy dog? - Yes, and a degenerate one too. - 您把神说成一只懒狗? - 是的,而且老得不成样子。 439 00:45:40,200 --> 00:45:45,400 I misjudged the Marquis when I considered that master of chastisement-- 我从前误解了萨德侯爵, 一直以为他是执鞭者—— 440 00:45:45,700 --> 00:45:51,900 --that provost-marshal with his whip, that hooligan, as one chosen by God. ——用他的鞭子来代理一切, 是被上帝选中的代理人。 441 00:45:52,100 --> 00:45:59,000 No, the Marquis is a simple fellow, we are members of the same coterie. 不,侯爵只是一个普通人, 是我的同党。 442 00:45:59,300 --> 00:46:04,500 The clique surrounding the lazy dog are both scourgers and scourged-- 在睡懒觉的懒狗周围, 有执鞭者,也有被鞭打者—— 443 00:46:04,800 --> 00:46:11,100 --both castigators and castigated, trouble-makers of the same hue. ——有处罚者,也有受罚者, 只不过都是同样的可怜的挑事者。 444 00:46:11,300 --> 00:46:16,400 One challenges the dog by flagellating-- 一个用鞭子挑战—— 445 00:46:16,700 --> 00:46:21,100 --another by being flagellated... ——另一个用挨打挑战… 446 00:46:21,300 --> 00:46:28,100 One by shedding blood, the other by letting blood flow... 一个使人流血, 另一个自己流血… 447 00:46:29,800 --> 00:46:34,500 And still the dog does not deign to awaken. 然而,狗还是不睁一下眼睛。 448 00:46:34,800 --> 00:46:39,000 The Marquis de Sade and I are accomplices. 萨德侯爵和我是同一伙人。 449 00:46:39,300 --> 00:46:43,500 - How did you discover that? - Not discover... I felt it. - 您是怎么发现的? - 我没有发现…仅凭感觉。 450 00:46:43,800 --> 00:46:48,900 - When did that happen? - When I was serving as a table. - 什么时候? - 当我像桌子那般为人服务时。 451 00:46:49,200 --> 00:46:54,100 Nothing strange about that, is there? To go straight to the point-- 这话没什么奇怪的吧? 还是明白点说吧—— 452 00:46:54,300 --> 00:46:58,900 --I was stripped naked so that my body could be used as an altar. ——我是光裸着身子, 被当作弥撒的祭坛使用。 453 00:46:59,100 --> 00:47:02,800 I was turned on my back on a black shroud. 我仰面躺在黑色的裹尸布上。 454 00:47:03,100 --> 00:47:08,300 Between my breasts, a small silver crucifix was laid. 在我的乳沟里, 放着银制的十字架。 455 00:47:08,600 --> 00:47:13,600 The silver chalice placed between my thighs-- 一只银制圣杯放在我的胯间—— 456 00:47:13,900 --> 00:47:17,300 --felt just as cold as a chamber-pot of S関res porcelain... ——那冰冷的感觉和塞夫勒烧制的瓷器完全相同… 457 00:47:17,600 --> 00:47:23,300 But none of this made me tremble with pleasure at the blasphemy itself. 我丝毫感觉不到那种令人浑身颤抖的亵渎神明的喜悦。 458 00:47:23,600 --> 00:47:31,200 The moment for celebrating the mass approached-- 祝圣的时间临近了—— 459 00:47:31,400 --> 00:47:36,100 --and they gave me burning candles to hold in my hands. ——我的两只手捧着点燃的蜡烛。 460 00:47:36,400 --> 00:47:43,700 The flames were far away, the boiling wax seemed distant... 远远的火焰, 朦胧的蜡滴… 461 00:47:44,700 --> 00:47:50,400 In the Sun King's day, they sacrificed babies at their black masses... 在太阳王时代, 他们用婴儿作为黑弥撒的祭品… 462 00:47:50,700 --> 00:47:55,200 In these degenerate days, the baby was replaced by a lamb. 如今的黑弥撒仪式已然堕落, 婴儿被小羊羔所替代。 463 00:47:55,500 --> 00:47:58,900 The officiating priest invoked Jesus Christ-- 司祭者念诵着耶稣基督的名字—— 464 00:47:59,300 --> 00:48:03,900 --and suddenly the anxious bleating above my head gave way to a shriek. ——我头顶上羊羔的啼叫立即变成异样的呻吟。 465 00:48:04,200 --> 00:48:09,600 And then the animal's blood flowed over my breasts-- 羊羔的血顺着我的胸脯流下—— 466 00:48:09,900 --> 00:48:14,200 --over my stomach and down... ——滴到我的腹部,然后… 467 00:48:14,800 --> 00:48:19,900 ...into the holy chalice between my thighs. …滴落到我胯间的圣杯里。 468 00:48:21,200 --> 00:48:28,300 Until then I had found the whole business half comic, half eccentric-- 直到这时候,我才发现这一切, 一半是滑稽,一半是怪异—— 469 00:48:28,600 --> 00:48:32,600 --but at that moment... ——但在那一刻… 470 00:48:33,600 --> 00:48:39,800 ...joy flared up in my impassive heart. …我的心里燃起了火一般的喜悦。 471 00:48:43,200 --> 00:48:48,600 While the hot wax dripped on my outspread arms-- 灼热的蜡烛滴落在我展开的手臂上—— 472 00:48:48,800 --> 00:48:53,600 --which formed a cross of wickedness, I understood-- ——形成了一个邪恶的十字形, 我明白到—— 473 00:48:53,800 --> 00:48:59,400 --that the fire in my hands was equivalent to the Crucifixion nails. ——我双手的火焰就如十字架上的长钉。 474 00:49:05,700 --> 00:49:10,900 I'm telling you this not from vanity or self-satisfaction. 我并不是得意洋洋地告诉你那件事。 475 00:49:11,100 --> 00:49:15,600 I want you to understand that I've made Alphonse's ecstacy my own. 我希望你明白, 我将阿方斯的狂喜据为己有。 476 00:49:15,800 --> 00:49:21,200 Alphonse wants to see, I want to be seen. Our experience is different. 阿方斯想看我,我想被他看。 我们的经历是不同的。 477 00:49:21,400 --> 00:49:26,000 But when the lamb's blood poured like rain over my naked body-- 但是当羊羔的血如雨般倾洒在我的裸体之上时—— 478 00:49:26,200 --> 00:49:31,300 --I realized who Alphonse really is. ——我明白了阿方斯是个什么人。 479 00:49:33,800 --> 00:49:38,700 - And who is he? - Alphonse is myself. - 他是什么人呢? - 阿方斯就是我。 480 00:49:40,800 --> 00:49:43,400 He is me. 他就是我。 481 00:49:44,200 --> 00:49:48,900 He is the bloodstained table of human flesh-- 他是那血肉模糊的桌子—— 482 00:49:49,400 --> 00:49:55,400 --a quivering foetus with blind eyes, ingrowing limbs; a divine miscarriage. ——是那神三个月流产的眼睛看不见、手足萎缩的胎儿。 483 00:49:55,800 --> 00:50:03,200 Yes, I realized that the Marquis de Sade is the foetus aborted by God-- 是的,我意识到萨德侯爵是神的早产儿—— 484 00:50:03,600 --> 00:50:08,300 --who can be himself only when he flees from himself-- ——只能在摆脱了自我时,变成自己—— 485 00:50:08,600 --> 00:50:12,200 --and that those surrounding Alphonse - the women he tormented-- ——那些围绕着阿方斯周遭的人, 那些他欺凌的女子—— 486 00:50:12,400 --> 00:50:17,600 --and the women who tormented him - were also Alphonse. ——以及凌辱阿方斯的女子, 统统都是阿方斯。 487 00:50:23,100 --> 00:50:28,200 The man you call Alphonse is a mere shadow. 你们所称呼的阿方斯的那个人, 只不过是个影子罢了。 488 00:50:28,500 --> 00:50:33,800 If I understand you correctly, you mean that Alphonse is blameless. 要是我没理解错的话, 您是说阿方斯无罪吧。 489 00:50:34,000 --> 00:50:38,500 Presumably that is the term in your vocabulary. 用您的话说,也就是这样吧。 490 00:50:38,700 --> 00:50:45,100 So you and the High Court judges have come to the same conclusion. 那么您,圣丰夫人,与高等法院的法官意见一致咯。 491 00:50:45,300 --> 00:50:50,400 Be glad, Madame. Thanks to my mother Alphonse is free at last. 为我高兴吧,夫人。 由于母亲的努力,阿方斯终于成为自由人了。 492 00:50:50,600 --> 00:50:56,400 - Read it yourself. - Strange... What date does it say? - 你自己读读。 - 怪事…上面的日期是什么时候? 493 00:50:56,600 --> 00:51:02,800 - When was the court decision issued? - I didn't think of that. - 判决日期是什么时候? - 我没注意。 494 00:51:03,400 --> 00:51:09,400 Here it is, in small lettering... not surprising that I didn't notice it. 在这儿,字这么小… 难怪我没看到。 495 00:51:10,000 --> 00:51:14,000 ''14th July, 1778...'' “1778年7月14日…” 496 00:51:14,300 --> 00:51:20,400 The fourteenth of July! Today is the first of September. 7月14日! 可今天是9月1日。 497 00:51:20,700 --> 00:51:25,700 The decision was announced one and a half months ago! 一个半月前的判决! 498 00:51:26,000 --> 00:51:30,700 I've been in Paris all summer without hearing about it. 我夏天一直呆在巴黎, 却什么也不知道。 499 00:51:31,300 --> 00:51:36,500 Anne! What does this mean? Why wasn't I told anything before now? 安娜!这是怎么回事? 你之前怎么什么都没有告诉我? 500 00:51:38,800 --> 00:51:45,200 Why has my mother done this? Why keep quiet about such happy news? 妈妈,你为什么这么做? 为什么隐瞒着好消息? 501 00:51:46,500 --> 00:51:53,600 Alphonse must be waiting for me! Yet I haven't heard a word from him. 阿方斯一定等我很久了! 但我一点儿回信都没听到。 502 00:51:54,200 --> 00:51:58,600 - I'm going straight home to La Coste. - There's no point. - 我马上去拉科斯特城堡。 - 回去也没用。 503 00:51:58,800 --> 00:52:04,000 The Marquis de Sade is safely incarcerated again, in another prison. 萨德侯爵又被关进监狱了, 另一座。 504 00:52:04,300 --> 00:52:09,100 It can't be true! Alphonse has been pardoned. 这不是真的! 阿方斯明明已经自由了。 505 00:52:09,500 --> 00:52:13,700 - Mother, say it isn't true! - The Comtesse teases you. - 妈妈,告诉我这不是真的! - 夫人故意逗你玩呢。 506 00:52:13,900 --> 00:52:18,800 Today you'll regret that an irreproachable lady like you-- 今天你一定后悔了吧, 像您这样一位身份高贵的夫人—— 507 00:52:19,100 --> 00:52:26,500 --got involved with a woman like me. Six years ago, you tried to use me. ——竟与我这样一个女子交往。 六年前,您试图利用我。 508 00:52:26,800 --> 00:52:31,600 Immediately afterwards, you changed your mind and declined my assistance. 紧接着, 您反悔了,拒绝我的帮助。 509 00:52:32,000 --> 00:52:37,000 I can forgive your wanting to use me, but not your rejecting my help. 您利用我,我可以原谅, 您拒绝我,我就不能原谅。 510 00:52:39,100 --> 00:52:43,900 I was denied the opportunity of carrying out a virtuous deed-- 我未能有机会施行我的善举—— 511 00:52:44,200 --> 00:52:49,500 --and that compels me once more to play a part contrary to my nature. ——而如今我必须再一次扮演同我的品行不相符合的角色。 512 00:52:49,800 --> 00:52:55,200 I find myself in the unusual position of revealing the true situation. 我正处于一个不寻常的境遇下, 必须得说出真话来。 513 00:52:55,400 --> 00:52:59,400 Your mother set a trap for Alphonse. 阿方斯中了你母亲的圈套了。 514 00:52:59,700 --> 00:53:05,100 The retrial at the High Court was a means of ensnaring him again. 高等法院的复审也只是再次引他上钩罢了。 515 00:53:05,400 --> 00:53:09,800 You know my information is always correct, don't you? 你知道我的消息总是正确的,对吧? 516 00:53:10,100 --> 00:53:14,800 Not until yesterday did I myself find out the details of what happened. 我也是直到昨天才知道了事情的详情。 517 00:53:15,100 --> 00:53:20,800 Last autumn your mother requested an arrest warrant from His Majesty. 去年秋天,你的母亲请求陛下下达拘捕令。 518 00:53:21,100 --> 00:53:25,800 As soon as Alphonse had been released by the court order of July 14-- 7月14日,阿方斯一被高等法院释放—— 519 00:53:26,100 --> 00:53:32,600 --he was surrounded by the King's guard and taken back to Vincennes. ——便被皇家警察保卫,带到了万森纳监狱。 520 00:53:32,900 --> 00:53:37,800 This time he was moved to an isolation cell-- 而这次他被转到单人牢房—— 521 00:53:38,000 --> 00:53:42,900 --that was infinitely darker, colder and damper than the first one. ——比以前更黑暗、更寒冷、更潮湿。 522 00:53:43,200 --> 00:53:48,100 On the way there he succeeded in escaping, it is true-- 他曾经在半道上成功逃跑过,这是事实—— 523 00:53:48,400 --> 00:53:52,800 --but don't worry, Madame! Your son-in-law is in safe custody-- ——但如今您大可放心,夫人! 你的女婿正被安全地囚禁在—— 524 00:53:53,000 --> 00:53:59,100 --in a dungeon fortified with double iron doors, even the skylight has bars. ——两道铁门紧闭,插翅也难逃的监牢里。 525 00:54:03,600 --> 00:54:07,800 This time you can be sure that he won't get out so easily. 这回你可以相信,他可没那么容易逃出来啰。 526 00:54:16,800 --> 00:54:22,800 I believe you said that you dropped in while you were out on a walk? 圣丰阿姨,您不是散步路过这儿吗? 527 00:54:23,100 --> 00:54:27,300 I would like to accompany you as you continue your walk. 我也想陪着您散散步,多走一段路。 528 00:54:27,600 --> 00:54:32,700 I shall consider myself lucky to have the company of such a charming tool. 有你这么个可爱而美丽的工具作伴,实在幸福。 529 00:54:35,400 --> 00:54:39,100 First you were your sister's tool-- 一开始你是你姐姐的工具—— 530 00:54:39,300 --> 00:54:42,300 --then your mother's. ——之后是你母亲的。 531 00:54:42,500 --> 00:54:47,100 Next time you can be mine, can't you? 下一次你或许会成为我的工具,对吧? 532 00:54:47,500 --> 00:54:53,000 By all means, use me as a table, a chest of drawers or whatever! 随你使唤,把我当做桌子,抽屉,随你便! 533 00:54:53,300 --> 00:54:57,800 You're a wise young woman. You have two folding wings-- 你真是聪明年轻的姑娘。 你有一双藏起来的翅膀—— 534 00:54:58,100 --> 00:55:02,800 --that allow you to fly away from every troublesome situation. ——能让你从困境中飞出来。 535 00:55:03,100 --> 00:55:09,700 Those wings are undoubtedly your own. 这翅膀无疑就是你的。 536 00:55:23,000 --> 00:55:25,800 There we are, then, Madame. 好吧,夫人。 537 00:55:26,600 --> 00:55:32,500 Charlotte! Look closely at my face. I shan't visit this house again. 夏洛特!好好记住我的模样。 我大概不会再来到这座宅子了。 538 00:55:32,800 --> 00:55:39,300 You'll probably only see the faces of impeccable people in the future-- 将来或许你只能见到优雅正确的面孔了—— 539 00:55:39,600 --> 00:55:44,900 --so you'd better memorize what a dissolute woman looks like. ——所以你要牢牢记住品行不端的女人的长相。 540 00:56:22,400 --> 00:56:27,600 Why did you deceive me in that despicable way? 您为什么那样死死瞒着我? 541 00:56:27,800 --> 00:56:35,200 We're both guilty of keeping secrets. We stand opposed to each other: 我们不是彼此彼此吗? 我们是敌对的双方: 542 00:56:35,600 --> 00:56:42,400 I wish to keep Alphonse in prison, you're determined to get him free. 我想把阿方斯关起来, 你想使他成为自由身。 543 00:56:42,700 --> 00:56:48,100 Throughout, we've tried to thwart each other's plans. Ren閑... 因此我们都试图阻挠对方的打算,勒内… 544 00:56:48,500 --> 00:56:54,000 I've become old and tired, I don't wish to quarrel with you any more. 我老了,疲倦了, 我不想再和你争吵下去。 545 00:56:54,200 --> 00:56:58,800 But it's true that Alphonse is in prison, and that it's your doing? 但,阿方斯是真的被投进监狱, 而且是因你所为吗? 546 00:56:59,100 --> 00:57:03,800 - I'm not the King. - That was a wicked thing to do. - 我可不是国王。 - 做出这样的事,多么残酷啊。 547 00:57:04,000 --> 00:57:07,900 I thought a certain brutality was required to bring you to your senses. 为了使你真正明白过来, 这样的残酷是必要的。 548 00:57:08,200 --> 00:57:12,300 Once your eyes were opened, you would break with Alphonse. 一旦你清醒了, 也就能够与阿方斯一刀两断。 549 00:57:12,500 --> 00:57:15,700 - I can't. - Why not? - 我做不到? - 为什么? 550 00:57:16,000 --> 00:57:20,800 How long are you going to regard that monster as your husband? 你还要把那个可怕的怪物当做丈夫到什么时候? 551 00:57:21,000 --> 00:57:24,200 Has he been faithful to you? 那个人有一次忠于你过吗? 552 00:57:24,400 --> 00:57:29,700 Oh yes, when he's alone in his cell, he weeps and wails in his letters. 哦还真有过,当他一个人呆在牢房, 将他的哭泣写在信上的时候。 553 00:57:30,000 --> 00:57:35,400 Then he casts out sickly words of love and promises eternal faithfulness. 他写下很多可怜可爱的话语, 发誓永远地忠诚。 554 00:57:35,700 --> 00:57:41,000 But that is reserved for his letters. Divorce him! 然而,这不过是在信中说说而已。 和他离婚! 555 00:57:41,200 --> 00:57:45,100 That is your only chance of finding happiness. 这是你寻找幸福的唯一机会。 556 00:57:45,600 --> 00:57:50,400 My happiness... I can't break with him. 我的幸福… 我不能和他分手。 557 00:57:50,600 --> 00:57:55,900 So you mean it's love that prevents you from leaving him? 所以说,是出于爱,才使得你无法离开他? 558 00:57:56,100 --> 00:57:59,800 That's beyond understanding. 不可理喻。 559 00:58:02,100 --> 00:58:08,700 Think, Ren閑! Your husband is not a human being. 好好想想,勒内! 你的丈夫根本不是个人类。 560 00:58:08,900 --> 00:58:15,700 He is still my husband! I mean to follow him as far as I can. 他依然是我的丈夫! 我会一直追随着他。 561 00:58:16,000 --> 00:58:21,200 If your intention was to separate us, it was an error to put him in prison. 如果你想要拆散我们才把他关进牢房, 那你可打错算盘了。 562 00:58:21,400 --> 00:58:25,800 I shall write to him and take every opportunity to visit him. 我会不断地写信, 抓住一切机会同他见面。 563 00:58:26,100 --> 00:58:31,200 As long as he is imprisoned, I am the only person he has in the world. 对于身陷囹圄的他来说, 全世界只有我是他的依靠。 564 00:58:31,400 --> 00:58:37,600 I get the impression that you too, deep down-- 我对你有一点很肯定, 其实你打心底—— 565 00:58:37,800 --> 00:58:42,100 --want to have Alphonse like a bird in a cage. ——也想把阿方斯当做笼中鸟。 566 00:58:42,400 --> 00:58:47,600 When he is deprived of his freedom, you needn't feel any jealousy. 当他被剥夺了自由, 你就可以免除嫉妒之心。 567 00:58:47,800 --> 00:58:51,300 Then it's his turn to be jealous. 这回轮到他嫉妒了。 568 00:58:51,600 --> 00:58:57,000 Didn't he write an awful letter when he thought you'd been unfaithful? 指不定他何时回为妄想所驱使, 寄上一封可怕的信笺来。 569 00:58:57,300 --> 00:59:03,600 You and I have the same interest in keeping him locked up. 对于把他给封闭起来, 你和我有同样的乐趣。 570 00:59:03,800 --> 00:59:06,700 It's not true. 不是这样的。 571 00:59:07,000 --> 00:59:12,900 You want him released, although you know he will cause you suffering. 你希望他被释放, 即使你知道这样子他会引起你的痛苦。 572 00:59:13,100 --> 00:59:17,300 Do you enjoy suffering so much? 你喜欢享受这样子的痛苦吗? 573 00:59:17,500 --> 00:59:21,400 There's no worse suffering than I'm going through at present. 不会比现在更痛苦。 574 00:59:21,700 --> 00:59:27,000 If he is released, will you be glad then? Happy? 他若获得自由, 你就会感到快乐?幸福? 575 00:59:27,300 --> 00:59:34,400 - I can't dream of a greater happiness! - What kind of happiness? - 那会是我梦想中最大的幸福! - 什么样的幸福? 576 00:59:34,800 --> 00:59:39,400 The happiness of being abandoned by my husband night after night... 这幸福,是每一个夜晚都独守空房… 577 00:59:39,600 --> 00:59:43,800 ...of lying curled up in bed at La Coste shivering with cold-- …蜷缩地躺在严冬中拉科斯特城堡的床上, 因寒冷而发抖—— 578 00:59:44,100 --> 00:59:48,600 --and seeing in my mind's eye Alphonse in a warm room somewhere-- ——一边想象着阿方斯正在某个温暖的房间里—— 579 00:59:48,800 --> 00:59:53,400 --holding a flaming brand to the naked back of a bound woman. ——炙烤着被捆绑的女人们光裸的脊背。 580 00:59:53,600 --> 00:59:58,000 The happiness of knowing that bloody scandals are spreading out-- 这幸福,就是将一次次臭名远扬的血的丑闻四处传播—— 581 00:59:58,200 --> 01:00:02,400 --like the scarlet train of a coronation robe... ——犹如加冕典礼上鲜红的裙裾… 582 01:00:02,700 --> 01:00:07,300 ...of walking through the village as the chatelaine, with downcast eyes. …就是一位领主的妻子,穿过城镇,低眉俯首。 583 01:00:07,600 --> 01:00:14,700 The happiness of poverty, dishonour, is due to me if Alphonse is released. 贫穷与耻辱的幸福, 是我为换取阿方斯自由而获得的回报。 584 01:00:15,000 --> 01:00:20,000 You're lying, lying! You still keep secrets from me, I know! 你在撒谎,撒谎! 你还隐瞒着我些什么,我知道! 585 01:00:20,300 --> 01:00:26,600 My hired investigator saw you at La Coste at Christmas four years ago! 在四年前的圣诞节里, 我雇佣的密探看见你拉科斯特城堡! 586 01:00:26,900 --> 01:00:32,600 You've forgotten it, of course. Or you can't keep the occasions apart. 你当然忘了。 你一定分不清是哪一天了。 587 01:00:32,800 --> 01:00:39,500 Four years ago Alphonse had managed to escape from prison-- 四年前阿方斯成功地越狱—— 588 01:00:39,800 --> 01:00:44,100 --and secretly returned to La Coste. It was a severe winter-- ——并秘密返回拉科斯特城堡。 那是一个严冬—— 589 01:00:44,400 --> 01:00:50,400 --and I had to pawn the family silver to pay for firewood. ——我当掉家中的银器, 购买了木柴。 590 01:00:50,700 --> 01:00:55,300 - It was hardly a Christmas at all. - Not what you were engaged in, no! - 那根本不是在过圣诞节了。 - 你们干的那些事,当然不是在过圣诞! 591 01:00:55,500 --> 01:01:01,400 Despite your poverty you could afford to hire five young girls as ''maids''-- 你们一贫如洗, 但却雇来了五个少女做“佣人”—— 592 01:01:01,600 --> 01:01:08,400 --and a young man as a ''secretary''. My investigator hid on a balcony-- ——一个少年做“秘书”。 我的密探躲在阳台上—— 593 01:01:08,700 --> 01:01:14,600 --and saw through the window your peculiar way of celebrating Christmas. ——窥探了你们离奇的圣诞之夜。 594 01:01:14,800 --> 01:01:21,400 The firelight was bright enough to illuminate the bare treetrunks outside. 暖炉的火焰映红了窗外枯树的枝干。 595 01:01:21,600 --> 01:01:25,000 - Say no more! - Don't interrupt! - 别说了! - 别打断我! 596 01:01:25,200 --> 01:01:30,100 Alphonse wore a black velvet cape, his bare chest showed underneath. 阿方斯披着一件黑天鹅绒斗篷, 敞开洁白的胸脯。 597 01:01:30,400 --> 01:01:36,000 The five girls ran naked to and fro to avoid his whip, begging for mercy. 五个姑娘光着身子四处奔逃, 躲避他的鞭子,辗转求饶。 598 01:01:36,200 --> 01:01:42,200 You hung from a ceiling beam, your hands tied together, naked as well. 你被吊在天花板横梁上, 双手紧绑,赤身裸体。 599 01:01:42,500 --> 01:01:46,900 You were half-unconscious from pain, drops of blood shone in the firelight. 你疼痛得昏了过去, 鲜血滴落在火光里。 600 01:01:47,200 --> 01:01:53,500 The Marquis ordered the young man the cleanse the Marquise's body. 侯爵命令少年为你净身。 601 01:01:53,800 --> 01:01:59,800 The youth stood on a chair and took hold of your hanging body... 少年站在椅子上, 扶住了你被悬吊着的身体… 602 01:02:00,100 --> 01:02:05,200 And then he licked you... And it wasn't only blood he licked... 然后,他开始舔你… 并且,他舔到的地方不光是血… 603 01:02:05,500 --> 01:02:11,800 Ren閑... there's no point getting you to show your scars. 勒内… 你根本没必要展示自己身上的伤疤。 604 01:02:12,000 --> 01:02:15,900 Your pallor tells me everything that needs to be said. 你那失掉血色的面孔说明了一切。 605 01:02:16,200 --> 01:02:22,000 - It was the only time. I was forced. - Can Alphonse turn you into a dog? - 我受到强迫仅仅就这么一次。 - 阿方斯叫你做狗,你就做狗? 606 01:02:22,300 --> 01:02:28,400 A worm? Where is your womanly pride? 就做蛆虫? 你那女人的骄傲呢? 607 01:02:28,600 --> 01:02:34,800 I didn't bring you up for that. You are poisoned by Alphonse's lechery. 我可没想到把你养育成这样。 你受到了阿方斯的毒害。 608 01:02:35,000 --> 01:02:39,100 At the depths of shame and dishonour, there's no sympathy. 当一个人感到羞愧和屈辱时, 她不会抱有同情的。 609 01:02:39,400 --> 01:02:43,500 A woman who has resolved to live in fidelity is prepared to take any step. 一个决计在心底保有贞淑的女人, 会准备好采取任何措施。 610 01:02:43,800 --> 01:02:48,500 She will trample on both society's laws and her own reputation. 她会踏碎这世界上的规则与她个人的体面。 611 01:02:48,800 --> 01:02:53,800 - All women who love rogues say so. - Alphonse is no rogue. - 爱上流氓的女人都会这么说。 - 阿方斯不是流氓。 612 01:02:54,000 --> 01:02:58,400 He's a threshold between me and the impossible. Between me and God. 他是我与不可能之间的界限。 如同我与神之间的界限。 613 01:02:58,700 --> 01:03:04,800 - Your embellishing descriptions! - You need metaphors to describe him. - 你这愚蠢的比喻! - 你需要用必须来描述他。 614 01:03:05,000 --> 01:03:10,200 He's a dove, not a lion. He's a white flower, not a poisonous plant. 他是鸽子,不是狮子。 他是一朵白色小花,不是毒草。 615 01:03:10,500 --> 01:03:17,600 That Christmas I realized that understanding and protecting don't suffice. 在那个圣诞节,我意识到理解和保护他是远远不够的。 616 01:03:17,900 --> 01:03:24,200 I had to rid myself of the illusion that I was the most decent of wives. 我必须摆脱做他最贞淑妻子的幻想。 617 01:03:24,500 --> 01:03:30,500 The arrogance that is yoked to decency vanished on that dreadful night. 伴随贞淑而来的傲慢之心, 从那可怕的一夜起就消失了。 618 01:03:30,700 --> 01:03:34,400 You mean you became his accomplice? 你是说自己成了他的同谋犯? 619 01:03:34,600 --> 01:03:39,400 Yes, I became the accomplice of a dove, of a white flower. 是的,我成了鸽子的同谋,白色小花的同谋。 620 01:03:39,700 --> 01:03:44,200 The unruly wild beast called woman discovered-- 女人是一只不甘示弱的野兽, 这只野兽发现了—— 621 01:03:44,500 --> 01:03:49,000 --that hers had been none other than voracious decency... ——自己只不过是空有贞淑之名的野兽… 622 01:03:49,300 --> 01:03:55,900 - You are still a wild beast like that. - No one has said such things to me! - 妈妈,您也是一只平常的野兽。 - 从没有人这么形容过我! 623 01:03:56,200 --> 01:04:01,000 You shall hear it often! With your teeth, you've torn Alphonse to shreds. 您该多听听这样的话! 您用牙齿把阿方斯撕得粉碎。 624 01:04:01,200 --> 01:04:05,000 I'm the one who has been torn to shreds by that monster's fangs. 被撕得粉碎的人明明是我, 被那个魔鬼的毒牙。 625 01:04:05,200 --> 01:04:09,400 He has nothing resembling fangs. He has a knife, a whip and a rope: 他根本没什么牙齿。 他有的是刀子,鞭子和绳子: 626 01:04:09,700 --> 01:04:13,700 oldfashioned instruments of torture and human inventions. 还有折磨人的古老刑具,都是人类的发明。 627 01:04:14,000 --> 01:04:20,200 But you've had fangs from the start. Your white breasts are fangs. 但您有一副天生的牙齿。 那圆圆的乳房,就是牙齿。 628 01:04:20,500 --> 01:04:24,900 Your thighs, which haven't lost their suppleness and lustre, are fangs. 您的双腿,依然柔韧,没有失去光泽, 那就是牙齿。 629 01:04:25,200 --> 01:04:32,000 Your body is clad in armour, glittering with the thorns of hypocrisy. 您的身体,覆盖着盔甲, 布满了闪闪发光的伪善的荆棘。 630 01:04:32,200 --> 01:04:37,600 - My breasts bore and nurtured you! - My breasts are not like yours... - 您可是吃着我的乳房长大的! - 但我的乳房可和您不同… 631 01:04:37,800 --> 01:04:43,200 ..moulded in the shape of hypocrisy to tally with accepted rules of morality. …您的乳房是伪善的乳房, 有着符合世俗的材质。 632 01:04:43,400 --> 01:04:49,800 No doubt my father loved them, since you both put store by conventions. 父亲喜欢它们,我一点不意外, 因为你们更重视习俗(而不是爱情)。 633 01:04:50,000 --> 01:04:52,800 I forbid you to denigrate your father! 不许说你父亲的坏话! 634 01:04:53,000 --> 01:04:56,600 You complied with the rules even in bed. 你们即使在床上也要符合习俗。 635 01:04:56,900 --> 01:05:02,200 Even your whispered pillowtalk expressed a shared admiration-- 甚至你们的闺房情话也表达着—— 636 01:05:02,500 --> 01:05:03,300 -for conventional morallty You two were a ready-made ley and leyhole. ——对世俗道德观的赞美。 你们是天生的钥匙和锁眼。 637 01:05:03,300 --> 01:05:07,800 --for conventional morality. You two were a ready-made key and keyhole. ————对世俗道德观的赞美。 你们是天生的钥匙和锁眼。 638 01:05:08,100 --> 01:05:12,800 If the key was inserted in the lock the door of happiness always opened. 钥匙插入锁眼的一刻, 便能打开欢乐的大门。 639 01:05:13,000 --> 01:05:16,800 You talked about keys and keyholes that didn't fit together, and laughed. 你们俩时常把不相契合的钥匙和锁眼当做笑料。 640 01:05:17,100 --> 01:05:22,600 No one wants to be a rusty key or a keyhole that whines with pain! 没人想成为生锈的钥匙, 或插入时发出痛苦的摩擦声的锁眼! 641 01:05:23,000 --> 01:05:30,500 Your breasts and thighs clinged like leeches to social conventions. 您的胸脯和大腿, 像水蛭般附着在社会规范上。 642 01:05:30,800 --> 01:05:36,600 You slept with morality and banality and moaned with pleasure. 您和世俗、道德、常规一起睡觉, 并发出喜悦的呻吟。 643 01:05:36,800 --> 01:05:41,800 That's monstrous! Three times a day you sated yourselves with contempt-- 太可怕了! 每天你们三次蔑视—— 644 01:05:42,100 --> 01:05:48,000 --for those who flouted etiquette, just as you ate three meals. ——那些违反礼仪的人, 正如你们每日吃三顿一样。 645 01:05:52,200 --> 01:05:57,400 If you turned the key and opened the door, the bedroom was there... 要是你们用钥匙打开了门, 那边是卧室… 646 01:05:57,600 --> 01:06:02,300 ...the drawingroom there, the bathroom over there, and the kitchen... …这边是客厅, 那边是浴室,这边是厨房… 647 01:06:02,600 --> 01:06:10,200 You strolled around as you pleased, discussing honour and reputation. 你们带着满足转悠, 谈论着荣誉和名誉。 648 01:06:13,400 --> 01:06:16,800 Not even in your wildest dreams did you imagine-- 你们做梦也没想过—— 649 01:06:17,100 --> 01:06:22,600 --what it would be like to unlock the wonderful door-- ——锁在门外的是个多么美妙的世界—— 650 01:06:22,900 --> 01:06:28,200 --that opened on a sky full of stars. ——一打开门便会是辽阔的星空。 651 01:06:34,600 --> 01:06:38,700 We didn't try to open the gates of hell either. 我们可不想打开地狱的大门。 652 01:06:39,300 --> 01:06:44,700 Hatred of what one cannot imagine is spreading in the world. 对于无法想象之物的憎恶, 在这个世界蔓延。 653 01:06:46,000 --> 01:06:52,000 It is a kind of hammock in which people enjoy their afternoon nap. 就像一张吊床,人们乐于在上头睡午觉。 654 01:06:58,900 --> 01:07:04,800 But soon enough you have acquired brass breasts and a stomach of brass. 但是不久后你的胸膛和肚子就晒得金黄。 655 01:07:05,400 --> 01:07:09,100 They shine when you polish them. 打磨得金光闪亮。 656 01:07:10,000 --> 01:07:15,300 You and your kind call a rose beautiful and a snake nasty. 你和你这类人, 形容玫瑰美丽,形容蛇恶心。 657 01:07:15,600 --> 01:07:21,400 You don't know that they are friends and exchange guises in the night. 你们不知道,它们乃是朋友, 在夜间会相互转化。 658 01:07:22,400 --> 01:07:28,400 The snake turns red and the rose gets gleaming scales. 蛇面颊鲜红,玫瑰鳞片闪闪。 659 01:07:31,500 --> 01:07:35,600 A roe deer you think is pretty, a lion is frightening. 你们认为狍子可爱, 狮子可怕。 660 01:07:35,900 --> 01:07:40,400 You have no idea how their blood flows when they make love. 你们不知道,当它们做爱时, 血液是相溶的。 661 01:07:40,800 --> 01:07:46,800 You know nothing of the nights when sanctity and shame switch places-- 你们不知道,在夜间, 当神圣与屈辱相互转化—— 662 01:07:47,100 --> 01:07:51,000 --and therefore you want to exterminate such nights-- ——你们却想着彻底根绝这样的夜晚—— 663 01:07:51,200 --> 01:07:55,000 --after you have ridiculed them with your brains of brass. ——用你们那黄铜脑袋去污蔑。 664 01:07:55,300 --> 01:08:00,600 So the sweet roe, the ugly toad, the frightening lion och the cunning fox-- 可爱的獐鹿,丑陋的青蛙,可怕的狮子,狡猾的狐狸—— 665 01:08:00,900 --> 01:08:05,400 --are one and the same and merge together in thunderstorms at night? ——这些动物, 他们在雷电交加之夜相会。 666 01:08:05,600 --> 01:08:09,400 What's so remarkable about that? 这有什么稀奇的? 667 01:08:09,700 --> 01:08:14,000 Women used to be burnt at the stake for such ideas. 女人曾因为有这样的想象而被处以火刑。 668 01:08:18,000 --> 01:08:22,500 You have merely opened the door to that sky full of stars-- 你只不过是在打开通往一片星空的大门时—— 669 01:08:22,800 --> 01:08:26,400 --and stumbled out through it. ——一脚踏空罢了。 670 01:08:27,200 --> 01:08:31,500 People divide everyone into compartments-- 人们喜欢划分人群—— 671 01:08:31,800 --> 01:08:36,000 --just as they lay handkerchiefs and gloves in different drawers-- ——就像他们把手帕和手套放在不同的抽屉里—— 672 01:08:36,200 --> 01:08:40,800 --or say that roe deers are pretty and toads ugly. ——把狍子说成可爱,把青蛙说成丑陋。 673 01:08:41,100 --> 01:08:44,700 You are kept in the drawer for propriety-- 你把自己放在符合规矩的那个抽屉里—— 674 01:08:44,900 --> 01:08:49,200 --and Alphonse is consigned to the drawer for perversity. ——而阿方斯被你放在怪异的那个抽屉里。 675 01:08:49,400 --> 01:08:53,500 But an earthquake may turn the drawers upside down. 但是一场地震就能把抽屉给颠倒过来。 676 01:08:53,800 --> 01:08:58,400 You may land among the depraved, Alphonse among the well behaved. 你也许进了恶人的抽屉, 阿方斯也许进入好人的抽屉。 677 01:08:58,600 --> 01:09:03,400 One has to watch out for earthquakes and lock the drawers. 我时刻留意着地震, 给每个抽屉上了锁。 678 01:09:17,200 --> 01:09:22,200 If you could see how repellent you look, you'd find it hard to decide-- 你要是能好好看看自己可憎的面孔, 你就知道把自己放到哪个抽屉里—— 679 01:09:22,500 --> 01:09:25,500 --which drawer to place yourself in. ——会是一件很难抉择的事。 680 01:09:26,000 --> 01:09:30,300 Dazzled by the de Sade family name, you gave your daughter to Alphonse-- 被萨德侯爵家族的名望给迷惑, 将自己的女儿嫁给了阿方斯—— 681 01:09:30,500 --> 01:09:34,800 --but when your house is threatened by fire, you want to buy her back. ——而如今自己的家有火灾的危险, 你又想把女儿给赎回来。 682 01:09:35,000 --> 01:09:39,000 I've already spent all available funds. 我可是花了一大笔的赎金。 683 01:09:39,300 --> 01:09:42,600 You're as pleased to buy your daughter back-- 你乐于将女儿赎回—— 684 01:09:42,900 --> 01:09:46,900 --as a prostitute to redeem the wardrobe she has pawned. ——就像妓女赎回自己的衣柜一样。 685 01:09:47,200 --> 01:09:51,900 You have fantasies of an enjoyable, happy life. 你幻想着过欢快幸福的生活。 686 01:09:52,200 --> 01:09:55,600 Without ever exploring what lies at the end of the world-- 甚至不想探索一下, 究竟在这个世界的尽头存在着一个什么谎言—— 687 01:09:55,900 --> 01:10:01,300 --you cover your windows with pink curtains - and then you die. ——你用绯红色的窗帘遮住窗户, 之后,你死去了。 688 01:10:01,600 --> 01:10:07,400 You're proud never to have let yourself be harmed by those you despise-- 你为从不曾被自己污蔑过的人所伤害而感到骄傲—— 689 01:10:07,700 --> 01:10:14,600 --but no base of human pride could be more petty and contemptible. ——但人类所拥有的骄傲,没有比这更渺小和卑贱的了。 690 01:10:14,800 --> 01:10:21,800 - You'll die too one day. - Yes, but not like you. - 你迟早也要死的。 - 是的,但不会与你一样。 691 01:10:22,000 --> 01:10:26,000 Of course not. I've no intention of being burnt at the stake. 当然不会。我可不想被绑在刑柱上烧死。 692 01:10:26,200 --> 01:10:31,500 I don't intend to die like a genteel whore with a nest-egg put aside. 我也不会像一个存了一点小钱、 品行高贵的妓女那样死去。 693 01:10:31,700 --> 01:10:35,300 Ren閑 - I could hit you! 勒内,我要打你! 694 01:10:47,400 --> 01:10:53,000 Do that! But what will you do, if I curl up with pleasure at being hit? 动手吧!但要是你越打我越高兴的话, 你该怎么办? 695 01:10:58,700 --> 01:11:03,300 - Your face, when you say that... - What about my face? - 当你说这话时,你的脸… - 我的脸怎么了? 696 01:11:03,600 --> 01:11:08,600 You've become so like Alphonse that it scares me. 你变得和阿方斯好像, 吓着我了。 697 01:11:22,900 --> 01:11:27,600 What was it that Madame de Saint- Fond said? ''Alphonse is myself!'' 圣丰夫人刚才说得好, “阿方斯就是我!” 698 01:11:42,400 --> 01:11:44,900 ''Alphonse is myself!'' “阿方斯就是我!” 699 01:11:48,800 --> 01:11:51,800 ''Alphonse is myself!'' “阿方斯就是我!” 700 01:11:54,800 --> 01:11:58,400 THIRD ACT 第三幕 701 01:12:10,500 --> 01:12:16,400 Nine months after the outbreak of the French Revolution 法国大革命爆发后九个月 (第二幕十二年后) 702 01:12:37,200 --> 01:12:40,100 - Ren閑? - Yes? - 勒内? - 哎? 703 01:12:41,500 --> 01:12:44,400 - Aren't you tired of it? - No. - 你感到很疲惫吗? - 不。 704 01:12:45,600 --> 01:12:49,700 For twelve years I've seen you visiting Alphonse in prison. 这十二年间,你不间断地去监狱里探视阿方斯。 705 01:12:50,000 --> 01:12:55,800 Never have I seen you tired of it. You had hardly returned from a visit-- 我从没见你抱怨过。 一次见面回来—— 706 01:12:56,100 --> 01:13:01,200 --when you started preparing for the next, wondering what to bring him. ——就接着准备下一次见面, 忙碌着该给他带些什么。 707 01:13:02,300 --> 01:13:07,400 That's true. I didn't want my husband to think I had aged. 是这样的。 我不想让丈夫看出我已经上了年纪。 708 01:13:07,700 --> 01:13:12,700 If he saw me often enough, I thought he wouldn't notice I was growing old. 要是他经常见我, 就不会发觉我变老了。 709 01:13:13,000 --> 01:13:20,100 But any day now, all the criminals and lunatics will be let out. 可现在一切都过去了, 所有的罪犯和疯子都会被释放。 710 01:13:22,100 --> 01:13:26,000 The justice I always believed in was eliminated-- 我一直相信着的正义已经消亡—— 711 01:13:26,200 --> 01:13:31,800 --when the National Assembly declared all royal arrests to be invalid. ——当制宪会议宣布了所有的贵族逮捕令均为无效时。 712 01:13:33,400 --> 01:13:37,900 Since that day, you've stopped visiting Alphonse. 从那时起, 你就不再去探视阿方斯了。 713 01:13:38,200 --> 01:13:43,300 There's no need any more. Sooner or later, he'll come home. 已经用不着再去了。 他迟早要回来了。 714 01:13:43,500 --> 01:13:48,200 That's true. At the same time, you've changed. 是这样没错。 不过这阵子,你倒是变了。 715 01:13:48,400 --> 01:13:52,000 I've become old and tired too. 我也变得越来越老,越来越疲倦。 716 01:13:52,200 --> 01:13:58,200 When the whole society is changing, people can't avoid changing as well. 世道变了,人也不得不变。 717 01:13:58,400 --> 01:14:04,200 Charlotte didn't come to the door. Is she joining the rest of the mob? 夏洛特怎么没来迎接我。 她也加入到游行的民众中去了? 718 01:14:04,400 --> 01:14:06,600 Anne! 安娜! 719 01:14:07,100 --> 01:14:11,600 I'm here to say farewell. Or rather, to ask you to come with us, Mother. 我是来道别的。 更确切说,是请妈妈和我们一道走的。 720 01:14:11,900 --> 01:14:17,000 Without the slightest warning? Where are you planning to go? 一声不吭地就走? 你打算上哪去? 721 01:14:17,300 --> 01:14:20,900 - To Venice, with my husband. - Venice... - 和我丈夫去威尼斯。 - 威尼斯… 722 01:14:21,200 --> 01:14:26,000 No, sister. This has nothing to do with the Venice you remember. 不,姐姐。 这和你记忆中的威尼斯没有任何关系。 723 01:14:26,300 --> 01:14:31,300 My husband has bought a palace and decided we should move there. 我丈夫在那儿买了豪宅, 我们打算搬过去。 724 01:14:31,600 --> 01:14:36,200 Why should you leave your beautiful home and your position at court? 为什么你要舍弃自己漂亮的宅邸和宫里的差事? 725 01:14:36,400 --> 01:14:42,000 My husband says it is already dangerous to fraternize with the court. 我丈夫说,要是现在还和宫里保持着关系, 那就危险啦。 726 01:14:42,200 --> 01:14:48,200 The Comte de Mirabeau has urged the King to go into exile-- 米拉博伯爵敦促国王尽快逃亡—— 727 01:14:48,400 --> 01:14:55,200 --but others are against it. My husband also thinks it would be wise. ——但遭到其他人的反对。 我丈夫也认为逃亡是明智的选择。 728 01:14:55,600 --> 01:15:02,100 - And yet the King remains? - He always was a great vacillator. - 国王还在巴黎吗? - 他是个优柔寡断的君主。 729 01:15:02,400 --> 01:15:06,900 As long as the King remains, I shall stay in Paris. 只要国王呆在巴黎, 我就呆在巴黎。 730 01:15:07,200 --> 01:15:12,000 Have you become such a royalist, Mother? Joking apart-- 你变得如此忠诚了吗,妈妈? 我可不是开玩笑—— 731 01:15:12,400 --> 01:15:17,000 --things look peaceful on the surface, but we don't know what may happen. ——如今世面上看起来太平, 可我们谁也不知道将会发生什么。 732 01:15:17,200 --> 01:15:22,100 The best thing is to remain calm and look both left and right. 最稳妥的方法是,冷静下来左右仔细瞧瞧。 733 01:15:22,400 --> 01:15:26,400 I think I shall be able to live here in peace and quiet. 我认为自己将在这儿安详而平静地生活。 734 01:15:26,600 --> 01:15:31,900 However indiscriminately the mob acts, they won't attack an old woman. 无论民众如何善恶不分, 他们也不会袭击我这么个老妇人的。 735 01:15:32,200 --> 01:15:38,300 These days, the wisest course is not to take sides. 如今,最明智的做法是不偏袒任何一方。 736 01:15:39,000 --> 01:15:44,800 Keep that up, and you may end up like the Comtesse de Saint-Fond. 这样说,您指不定就会像圣丰阿姨一样了。 737 01:15:45,200 --> 01:15:51,200 A poor comparison. Do you think I can die such an honourable death? 我怎么好和她比。 你觉得我会像她那样光荣赴死吗? 738 01:15:51,500 --> 01:15:56,600 Madame de Saint-Fond was said to have tired of Paris-- 据说圣丰阿姨厌倦了呆在巴黎—— 739 01:15:56,900 --> 01:16:01,200 --and gone to Marseilles where, at night, she dressed up as prostitute-- ——便前往马赛, 在那儿她每天晚上扮作妓女卖淫—— 740 01:16:01,400 --> 01:16:07,000 --and sold herself to the sailors she accosted in the street. ——在大街上勾搭水手。 741 01:16:07,300 --> 01:16:13,600 She spent her days in her villa, caressing her cheeks with her earnings. 白天她呆在自家别墅里, 把赚来的钱贴在脸上亲一亲。 742 01:16:13,900 --> 01:16:19,300 She had a jeweller set precious stones in the coins. 她在金币上镶嵌了宝石。 743 01:16:19,600 --> 01:16:24,300 She planned to have a dress sewn from them, and show it off in Paris. 她打算把它们做成一件金衣, 穿着金衣来巴黎炫耀。 744 01:16:24,500 --> 01:16:29,600 She would have had to earn a fortune to cover enough of that body. 她一定发了大财, 才足够制作出那么一件衣服来遮蔽身子。 745 01:16:29,800 --> 01:16:33,800 She had aged considerably, you know. 你知道,她已经上了年纪。 746 01:16:34,100 --> 01:16:37,900 One evening a riot broke out. 一天夜里,发生了暴动。 747 01:16:38,200 --> 01:16:42,700 Since she was standing on a dark street corner in her harlot's guise-- 她在黑暗的街角,以妓女的身份卷入了暴动—— 748 01:16:42,900 --> 01:16:48,400 --she was dragged along with the mob and sang that song with the others... ——她和民众站在一起, 与他们一起唱歌… 749 01:16:48,700 --> 01:16:55,400 Ta-ta-ta-ta! The refrain is ''Hang the aristocrats from the lamp-posts!'' Ta-ta-ta-ta! 那首歌叫做《把贵族吊在路灯柱上》! 750 01:16:56,400 --> 01:17:01,400 She sang ''Hang the aristocrats!'' at the top of her voice. 她高声地唱道:“吊死贵族!” 751 01:17:01,700 --> 01:17:06,400 But the rioters were attacked by guards and fell like dominoes-- 但暴徒们遭到了警察的袭击, 一排排倒下去—— 752 01:17:06,700 --> 01:17:11,000 --and Madame de Saint-Fond was trampled to death. ——圣丰夫人被踩死了。 753 01:17:11,300 --> 01:17:18,000 When morning came, the crowd found her body and placed it on a shutter. 天亮了, 人们发现了她的遗体,把她放在门板上。 754 01:17:18,300 --> 01:17:24,700 They carried it round the streets and mourned her as a sublime victim. 人们抬着她游街, 为她哭泣,把她当做了崇高的烈士。 755 01:17:25,000 --> 01:17:30,800 Impromptu poets wrote ballads about the ''pathetic harlot''-- 即兴诗人创作了一首赞歌,《光辉的妓女》—— 756 01:17:31,000 --> 01:17:36,900 --that everyone sang. No one knew who she was. ——人人传唱。 但没人知道她的身份。 757 01:17:38,200 --> 01:17:44,200 In the morning light her body looked like a slaughtered hen. 早晨的阳光照耀着她的遗体, 遗体就像一只被屠杀的母鸡。 758 01:17:44,500 --> 01:17:49,200 It took on the same colours as the tricolore: 颜色就像一面三色旗: 759 01:17:49,400 --> 01:17:55,000 the red blood, the white flesh and all the bruises. 鲜红的血,白的皮肤上布满了淤青。 760 01:17:55,300 --> 01:18:00,500 But the morning sun shone mercilessly through the thick layer of powder-- 阳光无情地穿透她那涂抹的浓厚白粉—— 761 01:18:00,800 --> 01:18:06,000 --and revealed her withered skin. People were dismayed-- ——暴露了她衰老的肌肤。 人们大吃一惊—— 762 01:18:06,300 --> 01:18:11,800 --when they saw that she had metamorphosed into an old hag. ——当他们看到她变成了一个老太婆。 763 01:18:12,100 --> 01:18:16,800 But it didn't detract from the tribute given to her. 但这丝毫不会损坏她的光辉形象。 764 01:18:17,100 --> 01:18:21,600 Deprived of her feathers, the wrinkled thighs laid bare-- 她的羽毛被拔去, 皱巴巴的大腿露了出来—— 765 01:18:21,900 --> 01:18:26,400 --her corpse continued its triumphal procession through the city. ——她的尸体继续穿过城市胜利游行。 766 01:18:26,700 --> 01:18:31,000 That, as you know, was the beginning of the Revolution. 众所周知, 那正是革命的开端。 767 01:18:49,300 --> 01:18:54,200 Now you're off to the Mediterranean, the sea of old age and death. 现在你就要启程去地中海边了, 那是死亡和衰老之海。 768 01:18:54,500 --> 01:18:59,000 What an unpleasant way to put it! We're going there to stay alive. 您这话说得真令人不快! 我们是为了活着才去的。 769 01:18:59,200 --> 01:19:05,000 You've always been busy living. But other people have kept you alive. 你为了生存总是忙碌着。 但事实上你只能靠着别人才活得下去。 770 01:19:06,800 --> 01:19:13,000 I agree that Venice today has little in common with your Venice of the past. 我同意你所说的, 如今的威尼斯和你过去的威尼斯没有什么关联。 771 01:19:13,300 --> 01:19:17,700 You're escaping quite simply by not keeping any memories. 你通过删除记忆, 从回忆里轻易地逃了出来。 772 01:19:17,900 --> 01:19:21,600 So you think I should hold on to memories? 你的意思是我必须保有回忆吗? 773 01:19:21,800 --> 01:19:27,300 When reminiscences become necessary, I shall show them with pleasure. 当回忆成为必要时, 我会愉快地拿出来给你看的。 774 01:19:28,000 --> 01:19:32,400 It's just that I don't let myself be weighed down by them. 只不过我不会让自己被回忆所压垮的。 775 01:19:33,400 --> 01:19:37,400 Aren't you the one without memories? 没有回忆的,难道不是您吗? 776 01:19:37,600 --> 01:19:42,700 All your life, you'll stand with your face turned towards a white wall. 你终其一生, 都将脸朝向一堵白色的围墙。 777 01:19:43,000 --> 01:19:49,100 One can discern traces of congealed blood and drops resembling tears... 仔细看去,上面遍布着黑色的血迹, 还有泪痕… 778 01:19:49,400 --> 01:19:53,600 - But otherwise it is simply a wall. - That's true. - 但这终归只是一堵墙。 - 不错。 779 01:19:53,900 --> 01:19:58,500 I've always turned my face towards the motionless sediment. 我总是把脸朝向一动不动的死水。 780 01:19:58,800 --> 01:20:02,000 My memories are insects in amber-- 我的回忆是一颗包裹着小虫的琥珀—— 781 01:20:02,300 --> 01:20:07,100 --not like yours, shadows fluttering over the water. ——不像你, 在水中泛起了影子。 782 01:20:07,400 --> 01:20:12,400 You're right about one thing: my memories have always been a burden. 你说对了一件事: 我的回忆总是负担。 783 01:20:12,800 --> 01:20:20,600 Yes, and a source of jealousy. In my face you can read two memories-- 没错,同样也是嫉妒之源。 从我脸上你可以看到两种回忆—— 784 01:20:20,800 --> 01:20:26,700 --and you hate me for them - Venice and happiness. ——你因为这两种回忆而厌恶我 - (它们是)威尼斯和幸福。 785 01:20:27,000 --> 01:20:31,900 - I've never wished for them. - You won't admit defeat, will you? - 我对它们没兴趣。 - 你不承认自己输了,对吗? 786 01:20:33,000 --> 01:20:39,000 When I was young, I thought I wished for those same recollections. 年轻的时候, 我也希望能拥有这两样东西。 787 01:20:39,200 --> 01:20:45,300 But what remained in my memory, the insects that stuck in my amber-- 但留在我记忆里的, 留着我琥珀里的虫子—— 788 01:20:45,600 --> 01:20:52,900 --was neither Venice nor happiness but something frightening... ——既不是威尼斯,也不是幸福, 而是某种可怕的… 789 01:20:53,200 --> 01:20:57,400 Something that cannot be expressed in words-- 某种无法形容的—— 790 01:20:57,800 --> 01:21:02,900 --something I neither wished for nor even dreamed of in my youth. ——某种我在年轻时做梦也没想过的东西。 791 01:21:03,200 --> 01:21:07,800 When something happens that you think is the last thing you wanted-- 当你碰到自己最不希望的东西时—— 792 01:21:08,100 --> 01:21:13,300 --it often proves to be what has unconsciously been your supreme desire ——其实那才是你所最渴望的东西。 793 01:21:13,600 --> 01:21:17,000 Only that deserves to be a memory-- 只有那种渴望,才具有回忆的价值—— 794 01:21:17,300 --> 01:21:22,300 --only that can be enclosed in amber. ——只有那种渴望,才会被封存在琥珀内。 795 01:21:23,700 --> 01:21:28,500 That alone is the kernel that can ripen into the fruit of memory-- 只有那种渴望,才能变成回忆的果核—— 796 01:21:28,800 --> 01:21:33,800 --of which you never tire, no matter how many times you taste it. ——无论你千百次地品尝都不会厌倦。 797 01:21:34,600 --> 01:21:39,500 That letter! That letter! 那封信!那封信! 798 01:21:40,800 --> 01:21:46,100 When I read the letter from Alphonse a few days ago, I was really touched. 当我读到了阿方斯几天前寄来的信, 我大为感动。 799 01:21:46,400 --> 01:21:52,800 When freedom is near, he forgives everything, even what I did to him. 当自由临近,他宽恕了一切, 包括我对他做的事。 800 01:21:53,200 --> 01:21:59,500 Among the revolutionaries, there are several he has known in prison. 在革命党中,有不少人也被投入监狱, 他在狱中与他们相识。 801 01:21:59,800 --> 01:22:04,700 He says that if ever I get in difficulties-- 他说自己要是碰到困难—— 802 01:22:05,000 --> 01:22:10,900 --he'll speak to his friends. That's quite a reversal of fortunes! ——会告诉这些人。 这真是一场命运的逆转! 803 01:22:11,100 --> 01:22:16,400 You choose not to trust me then? I don't ask you to decide today-- 你不打算相信我说的吗? 我不强求你今天就相信—— 804 01:22:16,700 --> 01:22:20,400 --but my husband and I leave the day after tomorrow. ——但我和丈夫后天就出发了。 805 01:22:20,600 --> 01:22:24,800 It's kind of you, but old people like to think things over. 你真好心,但是上了年纪的人总要再三考虑。 806 01:22:25,000 --> 01:22:28,900 You must give me a bit more time to make up my mind. 你得多给我点时间好下定决心。 807 01:22:30,800 --> 01:22:34,900 For the time being it's good-bye then. 暂时该说再见了。 808 01:22:40,000 --> 01:22:42,500 Farewell, Mother. 再见,妈妈。 809 01:22:45,000 --> 01:22:48,700 - Farewell, sister. - Farewell, Anne. - 再见,姐姐。 - 再见,安娜。 810 01:22:52,200 --> 01:22:57,100 - Give my regards to the Comte. - Thank you, I shall. - 替我向伯爵问好。 - 好,我会转达。 811 01:22:58,800 --> 01:23:02,000 - Charlotte! - Yes, Madame. - 夏洛特! - 来了,夫人。 812 01:23:07,700 --> 01:23:13,300 There hasn't been a death in our family. Why are you dressed in black? 我们家没人过世。 你为何穿着一身黑衣? 813 01:23:13,800 --> 01:23:19,800 Ah, you want to honour Madame de Saint-Fond, your former employer. 哦,你在悼念圣丰伯爵夫人,你的旧主人。 814 01:23:20,200 --> 01:23:23,200 I respect that fine thought. 其志可感。 815 01:23:23,500 --> 01:23:29,300 But why the sudden loyalty to a lady you disliked so much that you left her? 你是那样厌恶原来的主人, 为何又突然想为她尽忠心了呢? 816 01:23:29,500 --> 01:23:35,200 - Oh, Madame... - That's no reply! Don't be so silly! - 哦,夫人… - 好好回答我!别装傻了! 817 01:23:35,600 --> 01:23:39,700 It's nine months since the fall of the Bastille. 巴士底狱被攻破已经九个月了。 818 01:23:40,000 --> 01:23:44,100 The more unsettled conditions are, the more impudent you become. 事态越不安定, 你越无礼。 819 01:23:44,400 --> 01:23:50,200 Since the mob marched on Versailles you've become positively rude. 自从民众向凡尔赛宫游行后, 你也变得越加粗鲁。 820 01:23:50,600 --> 01:23:54,900 You've been in our home for more than twenty years-- 你在我们家呆了二十多年—— 821 01:23:55,200 --> 01:23:59,000 --and acquired a taste for luxury by looking at us. ——耳濡目染,也习得了奢华的品味。 822 01:24:00,400 --> 01:24:04,800 You've managed to save a little money... 你攒了点小钱… 823 01:24:05,200 --> 01:24:10,600 Surely you can't join the mob that jostles and clamours in the streets? 但你不能像那些暴民一样, 到大街上去推搡和大声喧闹! 824 01:24:10,800 --> 01:24:17,600 Like Mme de Saint-Fond, you too, pretending to be one of the people-- 你和圣丰夫人一样, 都想装作那人群中的一员—— 825 01:24:17,900 --> 01:24:21,800 --would be a hypocrite and die... ——但不过是个假货,死了也白死… 826 01:24:22,100 --> 01:24:28,600 You identify with her, of course, and mourn the death of an impostor! 你和她是一路货色, 你不过是在悼念一个骗子! 827 01:24:28,800 --> 01:24:33,200 Yes, Madame! I mourn her death. 是的,夫人!我在为她悼念。 828 01:24:33,500 --> 01:24:39,300 In that case, wear mourning garb or whatever you like. 既然这样,你随便穿丧服或什么的我都无所谓。 829 01:24:39,500 --> 01:24:44,800 - Did you like Mme de Saint-Fond? - Yes, Madame. - 你喜欢圣丰夫人吗? - 喜欢,夫人。 830 01:24:45,100 --> 01:24:49,600 - More than your present mistress? - Yes, Madame. - 胜过我这个现在的东家? - 是的,夫人。 831 01:24:49,800 --> 01:24:55,000 One certainly never heard such answers before the Revolution! 革命之前我从未听过你这么回答! 832 01:24:55,200 --> 01:24:59,800 People have become ever more unpolished... 人们都变得越来越率直了… 833 01:25:18,800 --> 01:25:21,200 Madame de Montreuil. 孟特勒伊夫人。 834 01:25:22,600 --> 01:25:29,400 My goodness! Isn't it the Baronne de Simiane? An unexpected visit. 天哪!这不是西米阿纳男爵夫人吗? 来得这么突然。 835 01:25:30,200 --> 01:25:34,400 - It really has been a long time. - What brings you here? - 好久不见了。 - 什么风把你吹来了? 836 01:25:35,000 --> 01:25:40,800 - I came at Ren閑's invitation. - Thank you for taking the trouble. - 勒内邀请我来的。 - 谢谢您抽空前来。 837 01:25:41,500 --> 01:25:46,300 - I'm glad you've come to a decision. - What decision? - 我很高兴你能下定决心。 - 下定什么决心? 838 01:25:46,600 --> 01:25:51,300 I asked Madame de Simiane for a favour. 我请西米阿纳夫人帮了个忙。 839 01:25:51,900 --> 01:25:55,900 I've been granted admission to the Baronne's convent. 我被准许进入阿姨所在的那座修道院。 840 01:25:56,200 --> 01:26:02,200 - Are you going to become a nun? - What help did Ren閑 ask you for? - 你打算做修女? - 勒内请你帮她什么忙? 841 01:26:02,400 --> 01:26:06,000 Ren閑 has visited me several times. 勒内来拜访过我好多次了。 842 01:26:06,400 --> 01:26:11,200 I promised we would look after her if she decided to enter a convent. 我许诺将好好照顾她, 如果她决定进入修道院。 843 01:26:11,600 --> 01:26:15,400 When you stopped visiting Alphonse - was that when you decided? 当你停止去探视阿方斯时, 你就是那时候做的决定吗? 844 01:26:15,700 --> 01:26:20,300 The plans I have harboured for years have taken on a more definite shape. 我很早前就有这个打算了, 只是现在已经更坚定了。 845 01:26:20,500 --> 01:26:24,500 Just when Alphonse is about to be freed? 就在阿方斯即将获释的这个节骨眼上? 846 01:26:24,800 --> 01:26:29,100 Every time I visited him, I decided that the next time would be the last. 我探视他的每一次, 我都下决心,下一次探视将会是最后一次。 847 01:26:29,400 --> 01:26:35,300 But when that the came, my resolution came to nothing... 但当下一次到来时, 我的决心便不复存在了… 848 01:26:45,600 --> 01:26:51,600 You are a small fish that caught on the line of the Fisher of Men. 你就像一条小鱼, 一条上了神的吊钩的鱼。 849 01:26:52,000 --> 01:26:58,000 However often you've spat out the hook, you've known, deep down-- 无论你多少次脱钩逃走, 你打心里知道—— 850 01:26:58,400 --> 01:27:04,900 --that one day you would be caught. You have longed for the moment-- ——总有一天你会上钩的。 你在期待着那一刻—— 851 01:27:05,300 --> 01:27:11,000 --when you'd lie wriggling in the bright evening light from God's eye-- ——当你在神的眼睛照射出的午后之“光”中扭动时—— 852 01:27:11,400 --> 01:27:17,100 --and your scales would glitter with the water of this worldly life. ——你的鱼鳞便在这浮世的水面上闪闪发亮。 853 01:27:17,500 --> 01:27:22,400 Oh, Ren閑, God's countless eye-- 哦,勒内,神的千只眼睛—— 854 01:27:23,000 --> 01:27:27,800 --send us myriads of scouts, who-- ——犹如在这世上放出千个密探,他们—— 855 01:27:28,000 --> 01:27:33,000 --with infinitely greater thoroughness than the royal security forces-- ——将严厉的皇家警察都难于靠近的人—— 856 01:27:33,300 --> 01:27:38,700 --search our souls, and then, with immeasurable patience-- ——的灵魂,搜查了个遍, 以无限的忍耐力—— 857 01:27:39,000 --> 01:27:44,100 --wait until they fasten in the nets of their own accord. ——等待着灵魂的自投罗网。 858 01:27:44,400 --> 01:27:49,000 They take in their hands the souls they have so skilfully captured-- 神的手巧妙地捕捉住灵魂—— 859 01:27:49,200 --> 01:27:54,200 --and take them to a prison of light. ——将它们带到充满“光”的牢房。 860 01:27:58,700 --> 01:28:04,200 I'm ashamed to say it, but it is only now that I'm old-- 我这样说实在难为情, 但只有我衰老了的现在—— 861 01:28:04,500 --> 01:28:09,500 --that I understand at least something of God's will. ——我才明白了神的意志。 862 01:28:09,800 --> 01:28:15,300 I have always played the role of a pious woman. 我总扮演者虔诚女人的角色。 863 01:28:15,700 --> 01:28:21,000 My conviction that I possessed all virtues made me narrowminded. 自以为具备了所有的美德, 这使我心胸狭窄。 864 01:28:21,200 --> 01:28:25,600 I blush to think back on that time. 想起那个时候,我就脸红。 865 01:28:27,400 --> 01:28:33,400 That's right - an autumn day eighteen years ago-- 是的 - 那是十八年前秋季的一天—— 866 01:28:34,300 --> 01:28:37,500 --here in his room-- ——就在这座宅邸里—— 867 01:28:37,800 --> 01:28:42,700 --I heard Madame de Saint-Fond talking about the Marquis de Sade. ——听圣丰夫人谈论萨德侯爵的事。 868 01:28:43,000 --> 01:28:48,800 Since then eighteen long years have passed. 自那以后过去十八年了。 869 01:28:51,000 --> 01:28:55,400 I remember how you, Madame de Montreuil, came rushing in-- 我记起了你,孟特勒伊夫人, 快步走了进来—— 870 01:28:55,900 --> 01:29:00,600 --more beautiful than ever, despite all you had gone through. ——越发美丽动人, 虽然你经历过那么多磨难。 871 01:29:01,000 --> 01:29:05,800 You, Ren閑, returned that same day to live with your mother. 你,勒内, 在同一天回到了母亲身边。 872 01:29:06,100 --> 01:29:13,100 You looked so young and pure of heart, as if transfigured with sorrow. 你看起来多么美丽清纯, 神情里透露着几分悲伤。 873 01:29:13,600 --> 01:29:17,400 It's like yesterday. 一切恍如昨日。 874 01:29:18,300 --> 01:29:26,700 I wonder if time has not slipped through this room with trailing skirts-- 我感觉时光好像从没有拖曳着裙裳从这座房子里溜走—— 875 01:29:27,300 --> 01:29:32,400 --although our ears have not detected the rustling of silk... ——而且我们的耳朵不就是蹭到了一下这裙裳的一角… 876 01:29:32,600 --> 01:29:36,900 Your views are no doubt valuable-- 你的看法无疑很有价值—— 877 01:29:37,200 --> 01:29:41,600 --but now I hope Ren閑 will also listen to a mother's words. ——但是如今我希望勒内也能听听我这个做母亲的人的话。 878 01:29:41,800 --> 01:29:46,200 I think Ren閑 should fulfil her duties in this mundane world-- 我认为勒内必须完成自己在俗世间的任务—— 879 01:29:46,400 --> 01:29:50,000 --before entering a convent. There is no reason to hurry. ——在她进入修道院之前。 没有理由急着进去。 880 01:29:50,200 --> 01:29:54,900 - Madame de Montreuil! - Will you let me finish speaking? - 孟特勒伊夫人! - 你能听我说完吗? 881 01:29:55,300 --> 01:29:59,500 Alphonse will soon be released from prison. Don't you think-- 阿方斯很快就要从监狱里出来了。 你不觉得—— 882 01:29:59,800 --> 01:30:05,000 --that you ought to live with him until death do you part? ——你们应该终生相守,直到死亡吗? 883 01:30:05,700 --> 01:30:11,600 For eighteen years I've begged you to leave him-- 过去的十八年里, 我一直央求你离开他—— 884 01:30:11,900 --> 01:30:16,600 --but you've always said that you will never do so. ——但你总是说自己永远不会那么做。 885 01:30:16,900 --> 01:30:22,400 Why is the situation reversed? I'm not trying to influence you any more. 为什么现在情况反转了? 如今我再也不打算反对你们了。 886 01:30:22,800 --> 01:30:27,600 If you want to go on living with Alphonse, I have no objections. 要是你想和阿方斯共同生活, 我没有异议。 887 01:30:27,900 --> 01:30:32,300 What is it that makes you want to be a nun? 是什么导致你想要成为修女? 888 01:30:34,200 --> 01:30:41,200 In all honesty, I still consider him an incorrigible scoundrel. 坦白讲,我依然认为他是一个无可救药的混蛋。 889 01:30:41,700 --> 01:30:46,500 But now criminals, lunatics and paupers are the ones in power. 不过,如今的世界属于犯人、疯子和穷光蛋了。 890 01:30:46,800 --> 01:30:50,800 Alphonse belongs to all these categories. 阿方斯也属于这类人。 891 01:30:51,200 --> 01:30:56,900 - He may become the family's saviour. - So you're planning to use him? - 他说不定会成为我们家族的救星呢。 - 所以说,您是打算利用他啰? 892 01:30:57,200 --> 01:31:03,800 Indeed! And you must help me. In the labour pains of the Revolution-- 说得对!你也应该帮我才是。 在这场革命的洪流中—— 893 01:31:04,100 --> 01:31:10,000 --Alphonse's shameless behaviour may well be applauded. ——阿方斯那无耻的行为或许会被众人喝彩。 894 01:31:10,300 --> 01:31:16,400 Society's condemnation of his acts may be seen as proof of his integrity. 过去社会上对他行为的审判, 在如今或许会化作他正直的证据。 895 01:31:16,600 --> 01:31:21,100 An honourable person wouldn't solicit help from one she has persecuted. 一个有身份的人不会向她曾经迫害过的人请求援助的。 896 01:32:34,800 --> 01:32:41,600 I think it was a different kind of light from that you refer to. 我认为,我们俩说谈论的“光明”,压根不是同一回事。 897 01:32:41,800 --> 01:32:45,500 It was as if it came from another source... 我所说的“光明”来自另一个源泉… 898 01:32:45,700 --> 01:32:50,200 There's only one source of the holy light. 神圣的曙光只有一个源泉。 899 01:32:50,500 --> 01:32:55,400 ...as if the light had been refracted and came from another direction... …这光,受到了折射,来自另一个方向… 900 01:32:56,800 --> 01:33:00,700 Another direction? 另一个方向? 901 01:33:02,300 --> 01:33:07,500 I'm not sure, but I became aware that it came from another direction-- 我不确定,不过我意识到它来自另一个方向—— 902 01:33:07,800 --> 01:33:12,400 --when I read this frightful novel Alphonse wrote in prison-- ——当我读到了阿方斯在牢中所写的, 那骇人的故事时—— 903 01:33:12,600 --> 01:33:16,400 --called Justine. ——叫做《朱斯蒂娜》。 904 01:33:16,800 --> 01:33:22,700 It's a novel about two sisters, Juliette, the elder, and Justine. 这个故事里有一对姐妹, 姐姐叫朱丽叶,妹妹叫朱斯蒂娜。 905 01:33:23,200 --> 01:33:27,200 They lose their parents and are cast out into the world. 她们的父母去世了,在世界上流浪。 906 01:33:27,600 --> 01:33:34,500 Justine who seeks to defend her virtue incurs all possible misfortunes-- 朱斯蒂娜坚守自己的美德却遭受种种不幸—— 907 01:33:34,800 --> 01:33:40,800 --while the elder sister who has indulged in vice flourishes. ——而姐姐却沉迷于罪恶的挥霍。 908 01:33:41,200 --> 01:33:47,300 However, it is not Juliette who is struck by God's wrath, but Justine-- 然而,神怒没有降临在朱丽叶身上,反倒是朱斯蒂娜—— 909 01:33:47,600 --> 01:33:54,200 --who ends her days in misery. She is constantly humiliated and tortured. ——凄惨地死去。 她被一次次羞辱和虐待。 910 01:33:54,600 --> 01:33:58,600 Her toes are amputated and her teeth pulled out-- 她被割断脚趾,拔去牙齿—— 911 01:33:58,800 --> 01:34:02,700 --she is branded, flogged and robbed. ——被烙印,被打,被盗。 912 01:34:03,000 --> 01:34:07,500 When she is about to be executed, her sister turns up and saves her. 当她将受刑之时, 姐姐出现并救了她。 913 01:34:07,700 --> 01:34:13,100 But her happiness does not last long: she has an accident and dies. 但她的幸福并没有持续太久: 她遭遇事故,并死去。 914 01:34:16,800 --> 01:34:20,900 Alphonse toiled night and day with this novel. 阿方斯夜以继日地进行写作。 915 01:34:21,300 --> 01:34:24,600 What made him do it? 是什么驱使着他这么做? 916 01:34:28,200 --> 01:34:33,600 Don't you think it is spiritual treason to write such a disgusting story? 写出这么可怕的故事, 你不认为这是一种心灵上的罪恶吗? 917 01:34:37,600 --> 01:34:43,400 Undoubtedly. Contaminating one's own mind and others' is indefensible. 毫无疑问。 这罪恶既玷污了自己的心灵,也毒害别人的心灵。 918 01:34:43,800 --> 01:34:47,800 While Alphonse sat in his prison cell, brooding and writing-- 当阿方斯坐在监狱中, 沉思,写作—— 919 01:34:48,100 --> 01:34:52,100 --he shut me up in his novel. ——他将我封闭在他的故事中。 920 01:34:52,400 --> 01:34:57,200 We on the outside were also locked up in that prison. 监狱外的我们也被关进了监狱中。 921 01:34:57,700 --> 01:35:03,400 When I read his novel I realized what he was doing in prison. 当我读了他的故事后, 我意识到他在狱中做了些什么。 922 01:35:03,600 --> 01:35:09,800 The mob stormed the Bastille, but he tore down the walls from within-- 民众攻占了巴士底狱, 但他,却从内部打破了这座狱墙—— 923 01:35:10,100 --> 01:35:14,200 --and remained in prison of his own free will. ——随后出于他个人自由的意志,选择留在了监狱中。 924 01:35:14,600 --> 01:35:19,300 He wanted to create an imperishable cathedral of vice. 他想要创造出不朽的恶之殿堂。 925 01:35:20,200 --> 01:35:25,500 Instead of committing evil deeds, he wanted to develop a code of evil. 比起犯下邪恶的行为, 他更想创造出罪恶的法则。 926 01:35:26,100 --> 01:35:29,900 Not so much actions as principles. 不是行为而是法则。 927 01:35:30,300 --> 01:35:36,200 Not so much nocturnal pleasure as a single, everlasting night. 不只是快乐的一夜,而是漫漫长夜。 928 01:35:36,600 --> 01:35:42,200 Not so much slaves of the whip as the rule of the whip. 不止是鞭子下的奴隶,而是鞭子下的秩序。 929 01:35:42,600 --> 01:35:48,600 Obsessed with destruction, he created something instead. 醉心于毁灭, 他随即创造了一些新的东西。 930 01:35:49,200 --> 01:35:53,200 Something inexplicable, congenital in him-- 一些无法解释的,先天存在于他本身的东西—— 931 01:35:53,500 --> 01:35:58,600 --that produced transparent forms of evil. ——创造出了十分纯净的罪恶模型。 932 01:36:01,100 --> 01:36:06,600 The world we are living in now is a creation of the Marquis de Sade. 我们所居住的这个世界, 就是由萨德侯爵创造出来的。 933 01:36:14,300 --> 01:36:18,800 His heart and his body were what I wanted to follow! 他的心灵和肉体, 便是我一直想要追随的! 934 01:36:19,000 --> 01:36:22,200 I believed we'd never part. 我相信我们永远不会分开。 935 01:36:22,500 --> 01:36:26,700 Suddenly, his hands turned to iron and knocked me down. 突然间,他的双手变成了铁棍, 将我打倒。 936 01:36:28,800 --> 01:36:32,200 He no longer has a heart. 他已经没有心灵了。 937 01:36:32,600 --> 01:36:37,400 A mind that can think up and write something like that is not human. 一颗能想出并写出那样故事的心智, 绝非人类。 938 01:36:48,300 --> 01:36:52,500 How radiant he looks, standing there outside my prison! 他看上去是那么光芒四射, 站立在我的监狱之外! 939 01:36:53,600 --> 01:36:57,400 He is the freest human being in the world. 他是这世上最自由的人。 940 01:36:58,000 --> 01:37:03,500 He stretches out his arms to the end of time, the end of the world. 他把手伸向时间和国境的尽头。 941 01:37:05,400 --> 01:37:09,900 He piles evil on evil, and mounts the crest of evil. 他堆砌着罪恶, 并抵达了邪恶之巅。 942 01:37:10,400 --> 01:37:14,200 Soon he will touch eternity. 不久他将会触碰到永恒。 943 01:37:15,400 --> 01:37:20,000 Alphonse has built a back stairway to salvation. 阿方斯已经搭好了通往救赎的天梯。 944 01:37:20,300 --> 01:37:24,600 God will destroy that back stairway. 神将会毁掉这阶梯的。 945 01:37:25,300 --> 01:37:30,700 No - perhaps God gave him the task of building it. 不 - 神或许将托付阿方斯完成建造的任务。 946 01:37:33,300 --> 01:37:38,100 I plan to spend the remainder of my life asking God that question. 我打算在自己的余生, 将这个问题向神发问。 947 01:37:39,600 --> 01:37:43,400 So you've made up your mind. 那么说,你主意已定了。 948 01:37:43,700 --> 01:37:47,300 Yes, I've made up my mind. 是的,我主意已定。 949 01:37:55,300 --> 01:37:59,600 Even if Alphonse were on his way here-- 哪怕阿方斯正在回来的路上—— 950 01:37:59,900 --> 01:38:04,400 --and returned home as the free man you've waited eighteen years for? ——哪怕他以你等了十八年之久的自由身,回到这儿来? 951 01:38:04,600 --> 01:38:08,700 It wouldn't alter my decision. 我的决心不会改变。 952 01:38:25,800 --> 01:38:30,000 Alphonse has spun a thread of light from evil-- 阿方斯从邪恶中捻出光明—— 953 01:38:30,400 --> 01:38:35,600 --created something sacred from the corruption he has gathered round him. ——从腐朽里造出了神圣。 954 01:38:36,200 --> 01:38:41,900 His armour gleams faintly with the light he spreads across the world. 他的铠甲上,泛着由他播撒向世界的微光。 955 01:38:42,200 --> 01:38:48,100 The pattern on the armour, beaten in a metal that is rusty from blood-- 甲胄上的图章,带着血迹和锈迹—— 956 01:38:48,400 --> 01:38:53,400 --represents not garlands of flowers but whips. ——代表的并不是花环,而是鞭子。 957 01:38:55,600 --> 01:38:59,300 Instead of a shield he carries a branding-iron-- 他的盾牌,在烙铁上—— 958 01:38:59,600 --> 01:39:05,100 --that reflects the reddened skin of the women he has branded. ——映照出他所炙烤过的女人们鲜红的肌肤。 959 01:39:05,400 --> 01:39:08,800 Human anguish... 人类的痛苦… 960 01:39:10,600 --> 01:39:13,400 ...human suffering... …人类的不幸… 961 01:39:14,900 --> 01:39:19,600 ...human lamentation rise-- …人类的悲叹声响起—— 962 01:39:20,400 --> 01:39:24,700 --like horns on his silver helmet, reaching for the sky. ——就像他银制头盔上的棱角, 直抵天空。 963 01:39:24,800 --> 01:39:29,100 He presses a sword sated with blood to his lips-- 他将沾满了血的宝剑贴在唇边—— 964 01:39:29,400 --> 01:39:33,500 --and swears the solemn oath. ——宣读着誓言。 965 01:39:34,300 --> 01:39:39,300 His fair hair frames his pale face like a halo-- 他的金发映衬着惨白的脸庞, 犹如散发出荣光—— 966 01:39:39,500 --> 01:39:45,300 --and his cuirass shines like a mirror, clouded by the sighs of the dying. ——他那攻无不克的铠甲像一面镜子, 布满了垂死者的叹息。 967 01:39:45,500 --> 01:39:50,500 His hands touch people's heads-- 他的手触及人们的头颅后—— 968 01:39:50,800 --> 01:39:56,000 --and then even the most despised, the most rejected take courage-- ——即使最受鄙夷,最缺乏勇气的人—— 969 01:39:56,200 --> 01:40:01,500 --and follow him to the battlefield in the first light of dawn. ——也会追随着他, 在第一缕夕阳来临前,到达战场。 970 01:40:01,900 --> 01:40:07,700 His chest surges when he sees the bloody slaughter-- 当他见证了血腥的屠戮, 他觉得窒息—— 971 01:40:08,400 --> 01:40:14,400 --the banquet attended by millions of corpses-- ——看着这由千百万人尸首组成的盛宴—— 972 01:40:14,600 --> 01:40:20,200 --the most silent of feasts. ——这个世界上最安静的盛宴。 973 01:40:20,600 --> 01:40:26,800 His white horse, spattered with blood, braces its breast-- 他的白色骏马,身上溅满血迹, 却昂首站立—— 974 01:40:27,100 --> 01:40:33,000 --like the prow of a ship, and stretches out to a morning sky-- ——立在帆船的船头, 迎向清晨的天空—— 975 01:40:33,400 --> 01:40:37,600 --in which the flashes of lightning cross one another. ——电光穿透了苍穹。 976 01:40:37,900 --> 01:40:41,400 At the same moment, the sky is rent-- 这时候, 整片天空安静了—— 977 01:40:42,100 --> 01:40:46,500 --and a cascade of light plunges down-- ——洒下了一束光—— 978 01:40:47,000 --> 01:40:52,700 --a holy light that blinds all who behold it. ——这圣光使得看见它的人都成了瞎子。 979 01:40:54,700 --> 01:40:59,200 And Alphonse, perhaps, is the very essence of that light. 而阿方斯, 也许他就是这道光。 980 01:41:41,200 --> 01:41:45,300 The Marquis de Sade is at the door. Shall I show him in? 萨德侯爵在门口了。 让他进来吗? 981 01:41:52,900 --> 01:41:58,000 - Shall I show him in? - How does the Marquis look? - 让不让他进来? - 侯爵看起来怎样? 982 01:41:58,500 --> 01:42:03,700 - He's waiting. Shall I show him in? - I'm asking you how he looks. - 他在门外等着。我该让他进来吗? - 我问你他看起来怎样? 983 01:42:04,000 --> 01:42:08,600 He's so changed that I hardly recognized him. 他模样大变,我都快认不出他了。 984 01:42:08,800 --> 01:42:12,600 His black coat is pathmed at the elbows. 他的黑色大衣在胳膊肘处打着补丁。 985 01:42:12,900 --> 01:42:17,000 His shirtcollar is so dirty that I took him for a beggar. 他的衬衫领口脏兮兮的,我都快把他当作乞丐了。 986 01:42:17,300 --> 01:42:23,700 And he's become so plump! His face is puffy and deathly pale. 还有,他变得十分臃肿! 他的脸颊浮肿而苍白。 987 01:42:24,000 --> 01:42:28,900 His clothes are too tight, I even wonder if he'll get through the door. 他的衣裳很紧, 我怀疑他没准连门都挤不进来。 988 01:42:29,200 --> 01:42:34,300 His gaze shifts as if in fright, his chin trembles slightly-- 他的眼睛里含着惊恐, 他的下巴微微颤动—— 989 01:42:34,600 --> 01:42:39,600 --and when he talks you see that only a few yellow teeth are left. ——当他说话时,可以看到他嘴里仅剩的几颗黄牙。 990 01:42:39,800 --> 01:42:46,100 But he said his name with dignity ''Have you forgotten me?'' he asked. 但他却带着威严报出了自己的名字, 并问道:“你忘记了吗?” 991 01:42:46,400 --> 01:42:52,400 And then, stressing each syllable: ''I'm Donatien-Alphonse-Fran鏾is...'' 随后,一字一顿地说道: “我是多纳西安·阿方斯·弗朗索瓦…” 992 01:42:52,700 --> 01:42:57,600 - ''...Marquis de Sade.'' - Tell him to go away. - “…德·萨德侯爵。” - 让他回去吧。 993 01:43:03,900 --> 01:43:09,400 And say this: ''The Marquise wishes never to see him again.'' 告诉他:“侯爵夫人绝不会见你。” 994 01:43:10,300 --> 01:43:15,300 翻译:Kkso_ 校对:Kkso_ 2018.2.1 献给 巫师布莱克